- - Surviving a Life and Death Tribulation in Three Days with Strong Righteous Thoughts 2012-03-05
- - Writing Articles Is Not Difficult When Writing from Your Heart 2012-04-13
- - [Selected Submission] People in Heilongjiang Province Are Moved by Falun Dafa Practitioners 2012-06-15
- - General Manager Wishes All Employees Were Like Falun Gong Practitioners 2012-06-15
- - [Selected Submission] Having Strong Righteous Thoughts During a Flood 2012-07-01
- - Teacher Protects Me On The Divine Path 2011-08-27
- - Cultivating My Xinxing in the Process of Establishing My Company 2011-10-13
- - My Family Benefitted Greatly When I Became a Falun Gong Practitioner 2011-11-10
- - My Experiences in Detention after Going to Beijing to Validate the Fa 2012-01-28
- - "They Are the Most Trustworthy People" 2012-02-03
- - Testifying to a Dafa Disciple's Steadfast Faith in the Fa in an Everyday Setting 2012-02-16
- - With Steadfast Faith in Master and the Fa, Practitioners Walk Out of a Police Station in Ten Minutes 2012-02-26
- - Throwing Off My Human Shell, Waking Up, and Getting on the Divine Path 2012-03-24
- - The "Three Withdrawals" Certainly Exceed One Hundred Million 2012-04-06
- - [Selected Submission] From a Young Architect: Pass On the Message of Hope 2012-05-21
- - [Selected Submission] Great Blessings Have Descended to Earth from Heaven 2012-06-22
- - Falun Dafa Has Given Me a Second Life 2012-03-03
- - I Recovered from Broken Ribs in One Week 2012-03-07
- - A Falun Dafa Practitioner Displays Honesty 2012-05-03
- - Falun Dafa Turns Prison Inmates' Hearts Toward Goodness 2012-05-11
- - [Selected Submission] The Amazing Benefits of Falun Dafa Practice 2012-06-08
- - Winning Respect by Being Selfless and Tolerant at Work 2012-07-29
- - Persisting in Group Fa Study and Cooperating With One Another to Do the Three Things Well 2012-03-23
- - Using the Wisdom Given by Dafa to Save Sentient Beings 2012-03-23
- - Articles from the 20th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction Series Helped Me Rediscover My Enthusiasm for Cultivation 2012-07-27