- - When You Cultivate with Righteous Thoughts and Actions, Dafa Shows Boundless Powers 2012-03-16
- - Kidney Disease Cured by Practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Chen Fengmin Is Now Persecuted for Her Faith 2012-03-26
- - Government Official: Practicing Falun Dafa Is Great 2012-04-01
- - [Selected Submission] A Selfless, Compassionate, and Honest Head Nurse 2012-06-27
- - [Selected Article] My Immense Good Fortune to Learn Falun Dafa 2012-07-02
- - Validating Dafa Whenever I Can 2012-07-19
- - The Aftermath of My Motorcycle Accident 2012-08-21
- - People in Jiamusi City Improve Mentally and Physically from Practicing Dafa 2012-08-25
- - Improving While Practicing Dafa 2011-01-06
- - Money for Truth Clarification Materials 2011-03-03
- - The Divine Path 2011-06-19
- - Master Saved My Life When I Was in Danger 2012-03-22
- - Some Thoughts on Minghui's Recent Call for Papers: An Experience Sharing on Writing Truth-Clarification Articles 2012-04-05
- - Articles Submitted to the Minghui Website Carry Strong Energy 2012-04-09
- - [Selected Submission] On the Brink of Death, the Spark of Life Was Ignited Within Me 2012-06-18
- - My Daughter's Academic Achievements Help Me Correct Misperceptions People Have about Falun Gong 2012-08-07
- - Why Falun Gong Practitioners Are Sought-After Employees (Part 1) 2012-08-22
- - Using My New Life to Assist Teacher in Rectifying the Fa 2011-08-14
- - With Belief in Master and Dafa, I Was Able to Walk Ten Days after Fracturing My Ankle 2011-09-06
- - Steadily Walking the Path of Assisting Teacher with Fa-Rectification 2011-10-05
- - Validating Dafa with Words and Actions, and Creating an Excellent Environment 2011-10-12
- - A Beautiful Memory in a Theater 2012-01-15
- - Practitioners File Appeal Against Officials Who Persecute Falun Gong and Obtain the Release of Arrested Practitioner 2012-02-17
- - Wisdom Obtained from Dafa 2012-02-21
- - Validating the Fa and Breaking Through Economic Persecution 2012-02-27