- - Woman Dies 4 Days after Being Arrested for Her Faith 2017-06-29
- - Heilongjiang Man Dies Five Months after Being Arrested for Suing Former Chinese Dictator 2016-03-07
- - Shandong Woman, 79, Dies after 8 Months of Imprisonment 2017-08-21
- - Imprisoned Woman Dies of Abuse, Family Pressured to Sign Waiver of Liability 2017-09-02
- - Sichuan Province: Two Falun Gong Practitioners Die in Custody Days before New Year, Their Bodies Cremated Without Family Consent 2018-01-04
- - Liaoning Woman Dies Days after Being Released on Medical Parole 2018-01-08
- - Former Business Manager Released from Prison, Dies 19 Days Later On New Year's Day 2018-01-17
- - Blinded and Incapacitated in Prison, Hebei Woman Dies Months after Being Released 2018-01-18
- - Drugged in Custody, Liaoning Woman Dies 5 Years after Being Released from Prison (Graphic Photo) 2018-01-18
- - Belated News: Shandong Woman Died One Year after Detention at Brainwashing Center 2018-01-29
- - Falun Gong Practitioner Dies in Prison at 42, Body Cremated Hours Later 2018-02-09
- - Woman Released from Prison in Vegetative State Dies Five Months Later 2018-02-08
- - Belated News: Husband Dies Seven Years after Wife's Passing Due to Persecution of Their Shared Faith in Falun Gong 2021-05-16
- - Jilin Man Dies after Years of Incarceration, Torture, and Displacement 2021-05-16
- - Deaths of 13 Falun Gong Practitioners Reported in April 2021 2021-05-20
- - Woman Becomes 188th in Weifang to Die in Detention for Practicing Falun Gong 2015-11-30
- - 79-year-old Woman Suddenly Dies After Enduring Repeated Harassment 2021-05-27
- - Jilin Man Succumbs to Decades of Imprisonment and Harassment 2021-04-19
- - 56-Year-Old Teacher Dies After 4 Years' Imprisonment for Rescuing Imprisoned Husband 2021-04-25
- - Cancer Patient Cured by Practicing Falun Gong Dies after 20 Detentions in Mental Hospitals 2021-04-25
- - Sentenced for Peacefully Defying Communist Tyranny, Beijing Woman Dies after Ailments Relapse in Prison 2021-04-25
- - Jiangsu Veteran Passes Away After 11 Years of Being Bedridden 2021-02-25
- - After 17.5 Years of Incarceration, Double-Cancer Sufferer Dies One Year After Prison Release 2021-05-04
- - Liaoning Woman Dies 5.5 Months After Being Released from Prison 2021-03-20
- - After Eight Arrests and Four Incarcerations, Heilongjiang Woman Dies in the Latest Harassment Campaign Against Her Faith 2021-03-31