- - Two Brothers Die in Police Custody Three Years Apart 2016-05-02
- - Woman Dies After Eight Years of Incarceration and Torture for Refusing to Give Up Her Faith 2017-05-03
- - Woman Denied Restroom Use in Prison, Dies 17 Months Into Her Term 2021-02-01
- - 76-year-old Woman Suddenly Dies While Serving Time for Her Faith 2021-02-10
- - Husband and Wife Lose Their Lives to the Persecution of Their Shared Faith 16 Years Apart 2021-02-10
- - Belated News: Beijing Woman Dies after Torture in Prison and Harassment 2021-02-16
- - Xinbin County, Liaoning Province: Eight Confirmed Death Cases in the 21-Year Persecution of Falun Gong 2020-12-16
- - Twelve Confirmed Persecution Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners in Qinghai Province 2021-01-31
- - 85-year-old Retired Middle School Teacher Dies after Being Harassed for Her Faith 2021-02-01
- - Bedridden from Persecution in His 30s, Sichuan Man Dies After Enduring 12 Years of Misery 2021-02-01
- - Yunnan Woman Dies Due to the Persecution of Her Faith 2021-02-17
- - Henan Man Dies in Custody after Nearly 1.5 Years in Detention 2021-03-18
- - Belated News: Shaanxi Woman Dies While Serving Second Term in Prison for Her Faith 2021-01-18
- - Belated News: Two Heilongjiang Residents Pass Away After Years of Persecution for Their Faith 2021-01-18
- - Shandong Man Slips into Coma at Detention Center, Dies After the Police Remove His Life Support 2021-02-17
- - An Account of Mr. He Wenjie's Torture and Death in 2003 2017-06-11
- - Shanghai Woman Dies 9 Months After Release on Medical Parole 2017-06-19
- - Father Tortured to Death: Daughter Demands Investigation by National People's Congress 2017-08-10
- - Army Major Dies of Abuse While Serving Second Prison Term for His Faith 2017-08-14
- - Tianjin Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Yang Yuyong Tortured to Death in Detention Center 2017-07-25
- - Healthy Man Dies Two Days after Hospitalization for Hunger Strike 2017-08-01
- - Family Awarded 200,000 Yuan for Woman's Death in Detention Center 2017-09-02
- - Hunan Woman Dies One Month after Being Sentenced to Prison 2017-09-11
- - Son Recounts Mother's Death Two Weeks After Arrest, Father Still Detained 2017-09-24
- - Henan Woman Dies 3 Months after Being Released on Medical Parole 2017-05-31