- - New York Daily News: Falun Gong supporters in Flushing say they're targets 2008-06-01
- - Vancouver, Canada: Human Rights Torch Rally Draws Widespread Public and Media Attention (Photos) 2008-06-03
- - Epoch Times: Chinese Regime Uses Subterfuge to Frame Falun Gong in New York (Photos) 2008-06-09
- - L'Est Republicain (France): "A Repressed Practice" (Photo) 2008-06-12
- - Sweden: Documentary Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Broadcast on Local TV 2008-06-12
- - Rome, Italy: Court Rules that Chinese Newspaper Libels Falun Gong 2008-06-13
- - Malaysia: Statement in Local Chinese Newspaper Counters CCP's False Allegations of Falun Gong Interfering with Earthquake Disaster Relief (Photo) 2008-06-21
- - Compassion Magazine: Ten Important Facts about the Beijing Olympics 2008-07-21
- - Compassion Magazine: What a Difference a Strait Makes 2008-07-23
- - San Francisco Chronicle, USA: TV network says it's been shut down in China 2008-07-28
- - Epoch Times: Preliminaries of Chinese Violin Competition Impress Judges (Photos) 2008-07-28
- - ESPN - Olympics Photo Wire: 1,215,793 Anti-Persecution Signatures Brought to IOC (Photo) 2008-07-28
- - Compassion Magazine: Beijing Menace on New York City Streets 2008-07-31
- - Media Focus on CCP's Information Blockade before Beijing Olympics 2008-08-03
- - Italian Newspaper L'Opinione: Eutelsat Involved in the Beijing Information Blockade 2008-08-05
- - Wall Street Journal: Don't Forget About China's Dissidents 2008-08-08
- - Globe and Mail (Canada): Chinese turn a blind eye to facts under their noses 2008-08-08
- - Central News Agency: CIPFG Calls on the European Union to Urge Beijing to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong 2008-08-08
- - The Canadian Press: Amnesty International Canada to deliver petitions to Chinese embassy 2008-08-08
- - August 8, 2008: Olympic Preview Special News Bulletin 2008-08-08
- - North Shore Times (Australia): Pressure over organ transplants 2006-05-14
- - Colorado Highlands Ranch Herald Reports on Falun Gong's "Global Roots" 2006-05-15
- - The Beacon Online (University of Portland): Peaceful rally relates shocking truth 2006-05-17
- - The Weekly Standard: Falun Gong, generals, etc. 2006-05-17