- - AFP - US lawmakers blame Chinese government for Falun Gong attack (excerpts) 2008-06-07
- - WOIPFG Submits Investigative Report on the Control of Overseas Chinese by the Chinese Communist Regime to U.S. Congress 2008-06-09
- - VOA: CCP Accused of Being Involved in Attacks against Falun Gong in New York 2008-06-30
- - Turkey: Newspaper Exposes Persecution of Falun Gong in China (Photo) 2008-07-09
- - Kyodo News: China Asks Japan for Information on Falun Gong Ahead of Olympics 2008-07-19
- - Compassion Magazine: The Human Cost behind the Olympics 2008-07-20
- - The Epoch Times: Chinese Ambassador Admits to Pressuring Eutelsat to Discontinue NTDTV's Signal (Photo) 2008-07-21
- - Calgary CTV, Canada: Falun Gong Protest (Photo) 2008-07-23
- - Sofia News Agency, Bulgaria: Protest against Repression in China Staged in Sofia (Photo) 2008-07-24
- - Epoch Times: Flushing Incident Mobster Pleads Guilty (Photo) 2008-08-04
- - Canada Free Press (CFP): Want to break through China's Olympics censorship? Falun Gong's got the roadmap 2008-08-07
- - WOIPFG Report Exposes CCP's Efforts to Infiltrate Free World with Communist Propaganda 2008-08-07
- - Epoch Times: An Expression of Thanks to the Good Chinese People in New York (Photos) 2008-06-02
- - Germany: Supporting 37 Million Chinese People Quitting the Communist Party (Photos) 2008-06-02
- - Netherlands: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Demonstration in the City of Assen (Photos) 2008-06-02
- - The Times-Herald, GA: 500-Mile Walk to Protest the Persecution of Falun Gong 2008-06-03
- - Epoch Times: Resolution Calls for FBI Inquiry into Hate Crimes (Photo) 2008-06-30
- - Epoch Times: Satellite Company Lies About Shutdown of TV Station, Says Recording (Photo) 2008-07-14
- - RapidTV News: Pressure mounts in Eutelsat squabble 2008-07-19
- - Compassion Magazine: Righteous Resistance 2008-07-22
- - VOA: Falun Gong Protests Stopping of NTDTV's Signal 2008-08-02
- - Italian Media: Independent Chinese TV Station Blocked 2008-08-02
- - Australian Broadcasting Corporation Interviews Erping Zhang 2008-08-09
- - Guardian Unlimited (UK): The reality behind China's Olympic image of modernity 2008-08-09
- - Northern Michigan University: Banner-signing for Human Rights in China Impacts Students and Faculty (Photos) 2008-06-01