- - Green Party in France Shows Support at Falun Gong's Commemoration (Photos) 2002-04-28
- - Toronto Practitioners Hold Vigil in the Rain to Commemorate the 4.25 Appeal (Photos) 2002-04-28
- - Ottawa Dafa Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil in Front of Chinese Embassy to Commemorate the Third Anniversary of the 4.25 Appeal (Photos) 2002-04-29
- - Photo Report: Washington DC Practitioners Commemorate the Third Anniversary of the 4.25 Appeal 2002-04-28
- - Austrian Dafa Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Commemorate the Third Anniversary of 4.25 Peaceful Appeal 2002-04-28
- - Compassionate to All Sentient Beings in Wind and Rain-- Boston Press Conference and Parade (Photos) 2002-05-01
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Demonstrate the Exercises and Clarify the Truth during Hu Jintao's Visit to New York City 2002-05-01
- - Clarifying the Truth to High School Students in Arvika, Sweden 2002-05-01
- - The Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition Successfully Held at Odessa City, Ukraine (Photos) 2002-04-30
- - In Lithuania, Children Sincerely Wish to Obtain the Fa (Photos) 2002-07-04
- - Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong - Defence Submission 2002-07-12
- - Falun Dafa Associations in New England, Canada, and Australia Congratulate the Founding of the Spanish Falun Dafa Association 2002-07-17
- - Germany: Memorial Activities Held in Regensburg to Honor the Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in China 2002-07-19
- - Practitioners from New York Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in Front of the Chinese Consulate and Introduce Dafa in Chinatown (Photos) 2002-07-19
- - Clarifying the Truth to People in Western Australia 2002-07-25
- - Truth-Clarification Activity in Peach Garden County, Taiwan on the third Anniversary of July 20 (Photos) 2002-07-25
- - After Three Years of Hardship, the Truth Shines Even More Brightly: Swiss Dafa Practitioners Hold a Series of Activities at the Third Anniversary of July 20 2002-07-29
- - Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts from a Hotel in Estonia 2002-07-29
- - Vancouver's Young Dafa Practitioners (Photos) 2002-08-01
- - Practitioners from Ottawa Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy, Urging Hong Kong to Immediately Dismiss the Groundless Trial (Photo) 2002-08-16
- - San Francisco Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photos) 2002-08-16
- - Falun Gong Practitioners from Melbourne Strongly Condemn the Hong Kong Political Trial (Photos) 2002-08-16
- - Practitioners from Toronto Hold Sit-in Appeal in front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photos) 2002-08-16
- - UK Practitioners Make Appeals Regarding the Hong Kong Trial 2002-08-19
- - Ottawa Practitioners Call For Public Apology to Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong and Withdrawal of Charges 2002-08-20