- - Falun Gong Practitioners from San Francisco Hold a Benefit Performance to Clarify the Truth in Chinatown on Independence Day (Photos) 2002-07-13
- - Hsinhsing National Primary School Teachers in Tainan Area, Taiwan, Attend Falun Gong Study Camp (Photos) 2002-07-16
- - Macao Police Track and Monitor Falun Dafa Practitioners During Fifth Anniversary of Hong Kong's Handover 2002-07-16
- - Education Committee of Matou Town, Tainan County Taiwan Holds a Falun Gong Study Course for Teachers during Summer Vacation (Photos) 2002-07-19
- - SOS Nordic Rescue Tour of Northern Europe Visits Oslo, Norway (II) 2002-07-20
- - SOS Nordic Rescue Tour of Northern Europe Visits Gothenburg, Sweden (I) 2002-07-20
- - Photo: Falun Dafa Banners in Both Chinese and English Are Fluttering on the Streets of Scenic New Zealand Cities 2002-07-20
- - Hong Kong Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal on July 20th to Call for an End to Persecution (Photos) 2002-07-23
- - Fifty-two Hours of Sitting-in and Two Marches in Bonn, Germany (Photos) 2002-07-27
- - UK: Summary of Government's Report on Hong Kong 2002-07-29
- - Denmark: Sixth Stop of the SOS Tour of Northern Europe - Copenhagen (Photos) 2002-07-29
- - Letter to The New Zealand Herald Concerning the Removal of Falun Gong Posters In Auckland Airport and Christchurch Bus Shelters 2002-08-03
- - Sweden: Response of Residents in Erbu to the Third Anniversary of Falun Gong's Persecution (Photo) 2002-08-10
- - Survey Shows that Consumer Confidence in Hong Kong Ranks the Lowest in Asia (Photo) 2002-08-17
- - Hong Kong: Fear of Unemployment Highest in Asia 2002-08-17
- - Singapore Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Falun Dafa Association in Venezuela 2002-08-17
- - Australia: A Hearing for Falun Dafa is Held in Canberra Ahead of Sino-Australia Human Rights Dialogue (Photos) 2002-08-17
- - Two Miraculous Photos from Germany 2002-04-06
- - Parade in Warsaw, Poland on March 18, 2002 2002-04-07
- - Contempt of Court Trial to Proceed April 15-19 for Newspaper that Allegedly Slandered Falun Gong 2002-04-14
- - Dafa Practitioners Hold Commemoration Activity in front of Chinese Consulate in Munich, Germany on April 25, 2002 (Photos) 2002-04-27
- - April 25, the Third Anniversary Commemoration Day in Berlin (Photos) 2002-04-27
- - Dafa Practitioners in Japan Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in Front of Chinese Embassy on April 25, 2002 (Photos) 2002-04-27
- - Photos: Relay Hunger-strike Appeal Outside Chinese Embassy, UK 2002-04-27
- - Falun Dafa Information Center: Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners' Request for Peaceful Appeal Outside China's Liaison Office Building on April 25 Denied by Police Under Political Pressure (Photos) 2002-04-28