- - Two Falun Gong Practitioners Are in Grave Danger Due To Prolonged Detention by the "610 Office" and the Daqing City Jail 2004-08-07
- - Update in the Chicago Hate Crime Lawsuit (Photo) 2004-08-07
- - Former Deputy Office Head of the Supreme Court Party Committee Wang Dingguo Persecutes Dafa Practitioners When Returning to Home to Visit Relatives 2004-08-07
- - Dafa Practitioner Wang Zuodian from Yantai City of Shandong Province Dies as a Result of the Persecution 2004-08-07
- - The Persecution Experienced by A Disabled Person in Da'an City, Jilin Province (shocking images) 2004-08-11
- - Practitioner Mr. Meng Lingchuan, Head of an Agricultural Seeds Station in Shandong Province, Is Tortured Until Mental Collapse 2004-08-11
- - The Criminal Acts of Policemen from the Number Two Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province 2004-08-14
- - Ms. Gao Rongrong, Disfigured by Electric Shock Torture, Is on the Brink of Death - Shenyang Officials Order "Don't Allow Her to Go Home Even If She Dies" (Photos) 2004-08-18
- - Latest News from China - July 23, 2004 2004-08-20
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - August 10, 2004 2004-08-20
- - Latest News from China - July 29, 2004 2004-08-20
- - Authorities Torture Practitioners Using Electric Shocks and Beatings in Fushun City, Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province 2004-08-20
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - August 8, 2004 2004-08-20
- - Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xie Zhaoming from Chongqing City Tortured to Death 2004-08-20
- - Harbin City Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Guangying Dies after Being Persecuted Relentlessly for Four Years 2004-08-22
- - Practitioner Yang Yun Dies After Torture and Brainwashing in Shijiazhuang City, Heibei Province 2004-08-22
- - Police in Sichuan Province Step Up Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Advance of Jiang Visit 2004-08-22
- - Hebei Province Educational System Solicits Anti-Falun Gong Articles to Poison the Minds of Young Students 2004-08-24
- - Feng Jitang and Wu Hongxia Cruelly Torture Practitioners in Tianshui City, Gansu Province 2004-08-24
- - After Practitioner Lu Changliang Was Tortured to the Brink of Death, the Police Ask, "If She Dies, So What?" 2004-08-27
- - Police Brutality: Putting a Dafa Practitioner in a Cage to be Bitten by Mosquitoes 2004-08-27
- - Ms. Wu Guifang is on the Brink of Death from Repeated Force-Feedings at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province 2004-08-27
- - Ms. Yu Guilan is Distressed and Emaciated After Receiving Persecution at the Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp 2004-08-27
- - Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Dai Jun from Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province is Tortured and Sentenced to Six Years of Imprisonment 2004-08-27
- - Clearwisdom Collection: Lies Cannot Cover Up the Crimes - The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing (Special Collection I) 2004-08-31