- - Practitioners Released after Being Tortured to the Verge of Death and Abducted Again after Barely Recovering 2004-07-14
- - The Brutal Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Heizuizi Women's Prison, Jilin Province 2004-07-14
- - Practitioner Ms. Tang Meijun Tortured to Death at the Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp, Chongqing City, Sichuan Province 2004-07-14
- - Practitioner Ms. Cheng Zongzhan from Baoding City, Hebei Province Dies from the Persecution 2004-07-14
- - Facts Concerning the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Songshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2004-07-18
- - The Inhumane "War Against Steadfast Practitioners" in the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center 2004-07-18
- - The Persecution of Practitioner Huang Cheng and Others in Chongqing City (Photo) 2004-07-18
- - Latest News from China - July 3, 2004 2004-07-18
- - Practitioners Ms. Wei Lili and Mr. Ma Xuhui from Yingkou City, Liaoning Province are Abducted by Police 2004-07-18
- - Practitioner Shu Zusi Was Tortured to Death in Tongcheng County, Hubei Province 2004-07-18
- - The Atrocities Behind The Term "Civilized Management" at Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing 2004-07-23
- - Latest News from China - June 30, 2004 2004-07-23
- - Former Associate Chief of the Secrecy Bureau in Dengyang City, Sichuan Province, Mr. Yang Daifu, Is Illegally Sentenced 2004-07-23
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - July 4, 2004 2004-07-23
- - Chen Fukui, Former Chief of the Research Institute of Ningan Paper Mill Suffers Persecution for Speaking the Truth 2004-07-23
- - Dafa Practitioner Ms. Cao Jinling Dies as a Result of Persecution in the Fuxin Forced Labor Camp, Liaoning Province 2004-07-26
- - Harbin Prison Secretly Transfers Practitioners to Other Prisons in Order to Conceal a Torture Death 2004-07-28
- - After The Truth About Falun Dafa Is Broadcast over a Loudspeaker in the Qijiang County Police Department, Practitioner Zhang Qiyong is Tortured to Extract a "Confession" 2004-07-28
- - Latest News from China - July 11, 2004 2004-07-28
- - Judge Left Speechless After Practitioners Speak Out for True Justice in a Henan Court 2004-07-28
- - Persecution of Falun Gong Linked to China's Educational System, Including Colleges and Universities 2004-07-30
- - Guangzhou City No. 1 Forced Labor Camp: An Evil Den Where Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Brutally Persecuted (Photos) 2004-08-03
- - Latest News from China - July 21, 2004 2004-08-03
- - Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Yang Lidong at the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp (Photo) 2004-08-03
- - Guangxi Forced Labor Camp Accounts for Over 1,000 Cases of Illegal Detention, Practitioners Collectively Protest the Persecution 2004-08-08