- - Rationality 2000-08-12
- - Editorial: The Purpose of Stepping Forward is to Validate Dafa 2000-08-11
- - Notice to Overseas Practitioners from Minghui Editors 2000-07-27
- - Announcement to Readers 2000-07-21
- - An Announcement 2000-07-21
- - In Commemoration of the Anniversary of July 20th 2000-07-20
- - Editorial: Our Compassionate and Venerable Master 2000-07-19
- - On Important Matters, Practitioners Must Pay Attention to the Attitude of 2000-07-16
- - Break Through Blockades and Enhance the Effectiveness of Falun Dafa Websites Around the World 2000-07-16
- - Explanation from the Editorial Board 2000-07-15
- - Drive Out Interference 2000-07-07
- - Using at Will 2000-07-05
- - In Reference to a Prophecy 2000-06-30
- - A Call for Articles -- In Commemoration of the First Anniversary of the "July 20" Event 2000-06-24
- - Towards Consummation 2000-06-17
- - Notice: A Second Authentic New Article of Master Li Since July 22, 1999 Will Be Published in a Few Days 2000-06-15
- - A Note from Minghui Editors: 2000-06-10
- - The Knowing Heart 2000-05-24
- - Call for World Falun Dafa Day Activity Announcements 2000-05-01
- - Falun Dafa Bulletin Board: Resist the Spread of Fabricated Jingwen With One's Own Conduct 2000-03-29
- - Response to Heartfelt Wishes from Dafa Practitioners in North America 2000-02-27
- - Minghui Editorial Board: Persevere and Advance Vigorously! 2000-02-23
- - Alert! Someone Is Spreading Rumors in Master's Name and Causing Trouble 2000-01-21
- - Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999 2000-01-19
- - Regarding the Two Recordings Circulated after the December 1999 Hong Kong Fa Conference 2000-01-12