- - Central News Agency: Former Canadian MP to Boycott '08 Beijing Olympic Games 2006-09-18
- - Some Thoughts on the 568 Kidney Transplants Performed at the Army 205 Hospital in Jinzhou 2006-09-24
- - Houston, Texas: Activities Expose Organ Harvesting Atrocities (Photos) 2006-09-24
- - Canada: Practitioners Rally at Parliament Hill - MPs Come to Support 2006-09-27
- - Russia: Practitioners Rally on Gandhi Square in Moscow to Expose CCP Atrocities (Photos) 2006-09-27
- - Central News Agency: Practitioners Rally in Ottawa, Canada to Protest the CCP's Illegal Organ Harvesting 2006-09-30
- - Taiwan: Hsin Chu County Passes Resolution to Condemn CCP Atrocity of Live Organ Harvesting (Photos) 2006-09-30
- - Auckland, New Zealand: Practitioners Expose the CCP's Brutality in Auckland (Photos) 2006-06-08
- - Munich, Germany: Practitioners Expose the CCP's Crimes at the World Cup Opening Ceremony (Photos) 2006-06-12
- - Newspapers in Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro Report about the Horrific Crimes of Organ Harvesting 2006-06-16
- - Germany: Bonn Residents Are Shocked to Hear About the CCP's Atrocity of Organ Harvesting (Photo) 2006-06-16
- - Danish Newspaper Reports on Organ Harvesting in China (Photo) 2006-06-30
- - Taiwan: Drama Exposes Persecution at Taichung City Performance (Photos) 2006-06-30
- - Turkey: Practitioners Protest the CCPs Atrocities in Front of Chinese Embassy 2006-06-30
- - Report on the Investigation of Several Major Hospitals in Anshan City and Shenyang City in Liaoning Province Regarding Illegal Organ Harvesting (Part 3) 2006-07-04
- - Sydney Morning Herald: China kills for organs, says report 2006-07-10
- - Canada: MPs from Three Major Parties Condemn CCP Atrocities of Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners in China (Photo) 2006-07-17
- - De Morgen (Belgium): 'Falun Gong followers are being killed for their organs' 2006-07-17
- - Canadian Public Signs Postcards to Urge the Government to Stop the CCPs Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos) 2006-07-17
- - Falun Gong Practitioners in Europe Call on the European Union to Condemn the CCP's Live Organ Removal (Photos) 2006-07-20
- - Berlin, Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Rally to Call for an End to the CCP's Atrocities (Photos) 2006-07-20
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Testify to U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus (Photos) 2006-07-22
- - Washington DC: 1,500 People Hold a Rally and Parade to Support the 12 Million Withdrawals from the CCP (Photos) 2006-07-22
- - Taiwan: Falun Dafa Association Calls for Renowned Doctors to Denounce the CCP's Organ Transplant Practices (Photo) 2006-07-22
- - Russia: Practitioners Expose the Persecution During the G8 Summit (Photos) 2006-07-22