- - Liaoning Man in Coma After Second Prison Sentence for His Faith 2016-06-14
- - Torture and Forced Labor in Shenyang No. 1 Prison 2016-02-02
- - How Practitioners Are Persecuted in Shandong Province Women's Prison 2016-02-28
- - Torture in Jilin Province Women's Prison 2015-12-19
- - Ms. Zhao Guirong Released after Almost Six Years of Torture and Abuse in Prison 2016-02-21
- - Falun Gong Practitioners' Ordeal in Hulan Prison 2016-02-19
- - Forced Labor in Chinese Detention Centers: Unethical and Unsanitary 2016-08-13
- - Mr. Yang Xiaoguang Detained 16 Years for Practicing Falun Gong 2016-08-27
- - Elderly Couple Not Allowed to Visit Their Son in Jidong Prison 2016-08-13
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Kangjiashan Prison in Liaoning Province 2016-09-15
- - Gongzhuling Prison Notorious for Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners 2016-12-09
- - Crimes Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Yuzhang Prison 2016-11-18
- - Married Couple and Their Son Given Heavy Terms for the Couple's Spiritual Belief 2020-12-05
- - Seven Heilongjiang Falun Gong Practitioners Imprisoned and Tortured for Their Faith 2020-12-16
- - Brutality Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Sihui Prison, Guangdong Province 2021-01-04
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Liaoning Province Women's Prison 2020-11-26
- - Ningxia Senior Engineer Recalls 3.5 Years of Abuse in Prison for His Faith 2020-12-08
- - Son Imprisoned for His Faith Denied Deathbed Visit with Mother 2017-03-14
- - Perseverance: Couple Seeks Release of Their Son, Imprisoned for 20 Years 2017-02-20
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Face Unrelenting Torture in Qianjin Prison 2017-02-28
- - Xinxiang Women's Prison Continues to Abuse Falun Gong Practitioners 2017-02-28
- - Public Servant Stripped of 22 Years of Seniority and Pension after a Wrongful Conviction of Ten Years 2021-03-08
- - Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangdong Women's Prison Brutally Tortured 2021-01-25
- - How Guards in Jilin Province Women's Prison Torture Falun Gong Practitioners 2021-03-01
- - Deaths and Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Yunnan Second Women's Prison 2021-01-30