- - Delivering Truth-Clarification Materials 2009-04-05
- - My Unexceptional Yet Sacred Cultivation Path 2009-01-05
- - Thoroughly Denying the Old Forces and Saving Sentient Beings 2009-01-23
- - Maturing Through Genuine Cultivation 2009-03-01
- - Overcoming Obstacles to Access NTDTV Again 2009-03-16
- - Letting Go of Fear and Working Together to Clarify the Truth 2009-03-25
- - Understanding the Responsibilities of a Dafa Disciple in the Fa-Rectification Period 2009-03-29
- - Keeping My Pre-historic Vow to Save Sentient Beings 2009-03-29
- - A Lonely 81-year-old Woman Experiences the Beauty of Dafa 2009-03-29
- - If You Have the Fa in Your Heart, You Will Find A Way 2009-04-13
- - Miracles Come with Strong Righteous Thoughts 2009-01-09
- - Showing People the Magnificence of Dafa 2009-01-18
- - From Freeing Myself to Saving Sentient Beings 2009-01-23
- - My Cultivation Story 2009-02-10
- - Genuinely Cultivating and Assimilating to the Fa 2009-03-02
- - An Elderly Practitioner Inspires Me to Be More Diligent 2009-03-07
- - Maturing within the Infinite Grace of Dafa 2009-03-11
- - My Aunt Starts Practicing Falun Gong Again 2009-03-11
- - Cultivation During the Persecution: Starting a Fa Study Group Leads to Creating a Materials Production Site 2009-03-13
- - Believe in Master and the Fa, Persist in Cultivation Until the End 2009-03-17
- - Recalling My Cultivation Path 2009-01-06
- - Priceless Integrity 2009-03-06
- - Recalling a Practitioner Who Validated the Fa in Prison 2009-03-20
- - Pain and Joy on My Path of Cultivation 2009-01-26
- - My Cultivation Path 2009-01-31