- - Clarifying the Truth in the Village Office 2021-11-13
- - An Encouraging Painting: "Dafa Disciples Saving People" 2021-07-15
- - A Family Informational Materials Production Site 2021-07-16
- - Taiwan: Clarifying the Truth to People from China 2021-07-31
- - Persistently Clarifying the Truth to People With Predestined Relationships in China 2021-08-08
- - Policemen Are Also Waiting to Be Saved 2021-08-08
- - Israel: Clarifying the Truth to Chinese Workers at the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station 2021-08-12
- - Displaying Magnificence Amid the Mundane 2021-07-12
- - Kindhearted Grandma: "I Wait for You Every Day" 2021-07-18
- - Taiwan: Reaching Out to Tourists from China with Compassion 2021-08-02
- - Practitioners Should Exchange Experiences in Addressing Misconceptions Caused by the Communist Regime 2021-08-09
- - Walking Our Cultivation Path Well in the Face of the Latest Harassment Campaign 2021-08-09
- - Clarifying the Facts to People from All Walks of Life 2021-08-15
- - Amazing Encounter: Elderly Lady Gave Me Money to Tell More People About Dafa 2021-10-28
- - Informing the Police about Examples of Karmic Retribution Can Restrain Them 2021-10-28
- - Steadfast Cultivation and Saving Sentient Beings in a Down-to-earth Manner 2021-10-29
- - We Came Here for You: The Power of Kindness 2021-10-31
- - Our Sincerity is Most Important When We Save People 2021-11-01
- - Discarding Fear and Seizing Opportunities to Inform People about the Persecution of Dafa 2021-12-11
- - Steadfastly Saving People Throughout the Years 2021-12-12
- - Cultivating Myself and Passing Life and Death Tests During the Pandemic 2021-12-16
- - Ask People to Share the Two Auspicious Phrases 2021-12-17
- - Turning My Father's Arrest Into a Good Thing 2021-12-21
- - Saving People When the Pandemic Struck 2021-12-25
- - A Reminder to Overseas Practitioners Calling China to Clarify the Truth 2021-12-29