- - Awakening the Conscience of Sentient Beings during the Pandemic 2020-07-07
- - Three Examples of People Understanding the Truth of Falun Dafa 2020-07-07
- - Treating Sentient Beings Like Family, Telling Them About Dafa 2020-08-08
- - Truth Clarification: Awakening People's Conscience 2020-08-14
- - Making Appointments to Tell People about Falun Dafa 2020-08-13
- - Clarifying the Truth and Awakening the Conscience of People 2020-08-18
- - Non-practitioners Help Distribute Falun Gong Materials Amid Pandemic Lockdown 2020-08-21
- - Seize the Time to Help More People Understand the Illegality and Brutality of the Persecution of Falun Dafa 2020-09-05
- - Saving People with Compassion and Righteous Thoughts 2020-09-10
- - Sharing The Goodness of Falun Dafa 2020-06-20
- - Encouraging Practitioners to Go Out to Clarify the Truth During the Pandemic 2020-06-20
- - Voices Across the Ocean: The Best Path to Safety and Peace 2020-06-23
- - Introduce the Minghui Website When Telling People about Falun Dafa 2020-07-03
- - Visiting Relatives and Friends to Clarify the Truth 2020-07-02
- - Some Thoughts After Reading "Stick to the Basic Facts When Clarifying the Truth on the Internet" 2020-07-06
- - Saving Sentient Beings While Detained 2020-07-17
- - Swedish Woman Blessed After Denouncing the Chinese Communist Party 2020-07-18
- - Toronto: Practitioners Call for Release of Lin Qiupeng in Front of Chinese Consulate 2020-07-18
- - Saving People While Illegally Detained 2020-08-04
- - Raising Awareness During the Coronavirus Pandemic 2020-08-10
- - Fruit Store Owner: "You're Doing a Wonderful Thing!" 2020-08-17
- - Delivering the Facts to People During the Pandemic 2020-08-27
- - Improving My Xinxing and Effectively Clarifying the Facts on the RTC Platform 2020-09-04
- - "Go to Manipur" - Remembering the Days Before the Lockdown (Part 3 of 3) 2020-09-04
- - "Go to Manipur" - Remembering the Days Before the Lockdown (Part 1 of 3) 2020-09-02