- - Head of Detention Center: "Forbearance wasn't the painful bearing that I used to think it was." 2020-02-15
- - Facing Locked Down Cities, We Should Continue Saving People with Righteous Thoughts 2020-02-14
- - Police Officer Threatens Me One Day, Thanks Me the Next 2020-02-15
- - People Await the Truth Amid Coronavirus Epidemic 2020-02-26
- - Falun Dafa Practitioners Saving People During Crisis 2020-02-26
- - Working as One Body to Save People in the Coronavirus Epicenter 2020-02-26
- - The Virus Can't Stop Dafa Practitioners from Saving People 2020-03-01
- - My Young Daughter and I Cooperate in Clarifying the Truth During the Epidemic 2020-03-04
- - No Matter Where I am, I Just Clarify the Truth to People 2020-03-10
- - A Suggestion for Clarifying the Truth During the Coronavirus Outbreak 2020-03-16
- - Educating Children and Clarifying the Truth after Retirement 2020-03-18
- - Working Together to Save People During the Coronavirus Epidemic 2020-03-19
- - Twenty Years of Raising Awareness Across the Globe 2020-03-24
- - A Pure Heart Broadens Our Path of Truth-clarification 2020-04-03
- - Police Officer: "Let's Chat More When We Have Time" 2020-04-07
- - People Want to Hear the Truth about Dafa 2020-04-07
- - Helping People Quit the CCP by Following Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance 2020-04-07
- - Encounters with Two Taxi Drivers 2020-04-07
- - Seizing Every Opportunity to Clarify the Truth and Urge People to Quit the Chinese Communist Party 2020-04-07
- - Saving People Amid the CCP Virus Epidemic 2020-04-12
- - Don't Be Hindered by Human Notions When Clarifying the Truth 2020-04-12
- - Some Thoughts on Clarifying the Truth to Government Officials 2020-04-14
- - Taking Every Opportunity To Clarify the Truth 2020-04-23
- - Saving People During the Pandemic and the Amazing Power of Falun Dafa 2020-04-23
- - Saving People by Explaining the Truth about the Persecution 2020-04-23