- - Being Healthy: A Good Truth Clarification Image 2019-01-01
- - Lucerne, Switzerland: Learning the Facts and Choosing a Better Future 2019-01-24
- - Exposing the Persecution to Chinese Tourists While Cultivating My Heart 2019-01-30
- - Cultivating Myself and Saving People by Making Phone Calls 2019-02-03
- - Cihu, Taiwan: Welcoming Chinese Tourists and Raising Awareness of the Persecution (Part 1) 2019-02-10
- - Taoyuan, Taiwan: Welcoming Chinese Tourists and Raising Awareness of the Persecution (Part 2) 2019-02-27
- - Following Master Li Hongzhi's Teachings 2019-05-02
- - The Importance of Looking Within and Removing Attachments 2019-05-25
- - Cultivating Compassion While Making Truth-Clarification Phone Calls to China 2019-05-30
- - Studying and Reciting the Fa to Cultivate Myself Well and Save People 2019-06-17
- - Validating the Fa Is a Falun Dafa Practitioner's Responsibility 2019-06-17
- - A Housekeeper Clarifies the Truth about Falun Dafa to an Entire Family of Party Members 2019-06-27
- - Awakening Consciences with Compassion 2018-12-22
- - My Experiences Telling People in Germany about the Persecution 2019-01-15
- - Young People Learn the Truth about Falun Dafa 2019-01-21
- - Clarifying the Truth in the Countryside 2019-03-10
- - An Understanding of "We do not praise or criticize the current leadership" 2019-03-23
- - Validating Dafa Is Our Basic Purpose in Cultivation 2019-03-23
- - Head of Domestic Security Division Stops Persecuting Falun Gong and Quits Chinese Communist Party 2019-04-04
- - Practitioners' Efforts Touch Chinese Tourists in Vietnam 2019-04-06
- - My Father Obtains the Fa through Master's Compassionate Hint 2019-04-26
- - A Few Suggestions to Practitioners in Vietnam 2019-05-31
- - Cultivating on the RTC Text Messaging Team 2019-06-10
- - Stopping the Persecution with Righteous Thoughts 2019-06-10
- - Clarifying the Truth About the Self-immolation Incident 2018-12-02