- - How Falun Dafa Touched the Heart of Our Housemaid 2022-06-01
- - Insights from Breaking Through Illness Tribulations 2022-06-01
- - Letting Go of Attachments Helps Cultivators Experience the Preciousness of Falun Dafa 2022-06-01
- - Looking Inward to Resolve Conflicts With Practitioners 2022-06-01
- - Remind Practitioners to Value Their Participation in Group Fa Study 2022-06-02
- - Shen Yun Promotion Project: Improving My Cultivation State 2022-06-03
- - Letting Go of a Deeply-Hidden Attachment to Seeking Fame 2022-06-04
- - Paying Attention to Every Thought and Cultivating Solidly 2022-06-04
- - I Experienced the Power of "Righteous Mind and Undivided Attention" 2022-06-04
- - Enduring Hardships 2022-06-05
- - Pure Kindness Is a Powerful Tool to Disintegrate Evil Factors 2022-06-06
- - Learning to Use a Computer and to Access the Minghui Website 2022-06-06
- - Kindness - The Golden Key to People's Hearts 2022-06-08
- - Hong Kong Practitioner: Falun Dafa Gives Me Peace of Mind and Hope 2022-06-07
- - One Thought Makes All the Difference—for Better or for Worse 2022-06-07
- - Clarifying the Truth in Everyday Life with Words and Deeds 2022-06-09
- - Elderly Woman Finally Listens after Refusing to Hear the Facts about Dafa Three Times 2022-06-09
- - Being Kind to a Coworker Who Gave Me the Lowest Score in an Evaluation 2022-06-10
- - Doing Well in Trivial Matters 2022-06-10
- - Overcoming a Tribulation by Looking Inward 2022-06-11
- - Studying the Teachings Well Enables Me to Accomplish My Historic Mission 2022-06-10
- - Believing in Master and the Fa, Overcoming Illness Karma Tribulations Three Times 2022-06-12
- - Accomplishing a Little Bit Per Day Still Counts As Improvement In Cultivation 2022-06-11
- - Looking Inward Resolved the Conflict with Fellow Practitioners 2022-06-12
- - Being More Diligent 2022-06-12