- - Eliminating Thought-Karma 2021-11-15
- - We Should Take the Exercises Seriously 2021-11-14
- - Witnessing the Power of Dafa When Overcoming Tribulations 2021-07-08
- - My Enlightenment on Enduring Pain Three Times During Meditation Practice 2021-07-16
- - Thoughts after Reading "Reminders for Practitioners Involved in Technology Support" (Part 4) 2021-07-25
- - Overcoming Tribulations by Believing in Master and the Fa 2021-07-29
- - My Thoughts on the Mass Arrest of Nearly 30 Local Practitioners in One Day 2021-08-08
- - Strengthening the Main Conscience During Fa Study Eliminated Anger 2021-08-08
- - Truly Cultivate 2021-08-14
- - A Wall in My Dream 2021-08-14
- - Eliminating the Barriers and Division Caused by Myself 2021-08-14
- - My Thoughts after Attending the Minghui Fahui 2021-07-09
- - Asking Master for Help When Facing Tribulations 2021-07-18
- - My Insights and Experiences Overcoming "Pain" 2021-08-06
- - Some Thoughts about Vaccine Mandates 2021-08-07
- - Only by Letting Go of Self Can We Strive Forward Well with Fellow Practitioners 2021-08-06
- - Practitioner in Japan: Cultivating with the Heart I Had When I First Began the Practice 2021-08-09
- - My Thoughts After Reading "Practitioners in Mainland China, Please Stop Online Fa Study (With a Comment from Master)" 2021-08-09
- - The Importance of Not Ignoring Incorrect Exercise Movements/Postures 2021-08-09
- - A New Practitioner: Eliminate Human Notions and Cultivate Diligently 2021-08-12
- - Group Study Helped Me to Truly Cultivate 2021-08-12
- - The End of the Play Is In Our Hands 2021-08-12
- - "Understanding the Fa from the Fa" 2021-08-15
- - Cultivating the Heart Clearheadedly 2021-08-15
- - Breaking Through Sickness Karma Tribulation Three Times 2021-08-15