- - Master Helps Me See My Attachments 2021-07-13
- - My Thoughts on Practitioners Getting Divorced 2021-06-07
- - A Quiz after Memorizing the Fa 2021-07-31
- - Memorizing the Fa Helps Point Out My Fundamental Attachments 2021-08-01
- - Finding Loopholes and Overcoming Sickness Karma 2021-07-31
- - A Wake-up Call for Each of Us—Lessons Learned from the Death of a Fellow Practitioner (Part 2 of 2) 2021-08-03
- - Master Saved My Life after I Let Go of the Attachment to Sentimentality 2021-08-03
- - Eliminating Attachments While Participating in a Media Project 2021-08-10
- - My Two Cents Regarding Studying the Fa Online 2021-08-13
- - Truly Cultivate Ourselves 2021-08-18
- - Walk Out of Humanness and Melt into the Fa 2021-08-19
- - Realizing the Basis for Sending Righteous Thoughts Through Reading "On Dafa" 2021-08-19
- - My Understanding of "Do Not Change the Nature of Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts" 2021-08-19
- - Some Thoughts on Who Can Be Called Dafa Disciples 2021-08-16
- - The Situation Turns Around When We Place Our Trust in Master 2021-08-20
- - Keeping Our Hearts Unmoved 2021-08-21
- - Be Alert and Don't Make Mistakes Knowingly 2021-08-22
- - Recalling Stories From a Local Fa Study Group for Young Disciples 2021-08-22
- - Understanding on the Existence of Life 2021-07-10
- - Do You "Maintain a Serene Expression on Your Face"? 2021-07-16
- - Overcoming a Sudden Sickness Tribulation 2021-07-22
- - Learning My Lesson about Co-Renting with the Opposite Sex 2021-07-22
- - Considering Myself a Cultivator 2021-08-01
- - Cultivating Myself in the Process of Installing NTD Satellite Receivers 2021-08-01
- - Improving Xinxing When Memorizing the Fa 2021-08-01