- - Crimes Committed Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Dianzi Brainwashing Center 2014-06-15
- - Teacher from Shanghai Given Neurotoxic Drugs at Fengxian Brainwashing Center 2014-07-19
- - Three Women Arrested and Tortured While Picking Up a Friend from Detention 2014-01-09
- - Songhualing Brainwashing Center: Persecution Behind Closed Doors 2014-01-20
- - Summary Report: Healthy Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Mental Hospitals 2014-04-08
- - Officers from Dismantled Labor Camp Regroup to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners 2014-08-02
- - Lawyers Publicly Call on Brainwashing Center to Release Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos) 2014-01-13
- - A System Designed to Destroy a Person's Mind and Soul - A Case Study - Xinjin Brainwashing Center (Part 2 of 3) 2014-02-13
- - Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang: 610 Office Brainwashes Good People 2014-02-25
- - A Cry for Help from Prison: Mr. Zhan Xingmao Suffering Psychiatric Abuse from Unknown Drugs 2014-04-11
- - A Form of Torture Known as "Confining Clothes" 2014-07-20
- - Retired Teacher Ordered to Pay for a Brainwashing Session 2014-01-23
- - Insights Into a Brainwashing Center in the Xianning City Forced Labor Camp 2014-02-04
- - The CCP Version of "Burn It All, Kill Them All, Loot It All" 2014-04-17
- - At Least Six Practitioners from Sanhe City Illegally Detained at the Langfang Brainwashing Center 2014-06-11
- - Plastic Bags Used as Instruments of Torture on Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos) 2014-08-27
- - A Close Look at the Brainwashing Industry in China: Policies, Funding, and Scale 2014-07-16
- - On the Verge of Death Multiple Times - Ms. Liu Zhi's Personal Account of Persecution (Graphic Photos) (Part 1) 2014-08-27
- - Senior Citizen Beaten in Public, Sent for Brainwashing (Photo) 2014-09-10
- - Beijing Woman Forced to Undergo Psychiatric Treatment for Refusing to Renounce Her Belief 2014-09-17
- - Elementary Schoolteacher on Hunger Strike for Two Months to Protest Illegal Arrest 2014-09-20
- - Ningxia Physician Still Traumatized a Year after Release from Prison 2014-10-13
- - Tortured to Death: Our Younger Sister Gao Rongrong (Part 2 of 4) 2014-10-23
- - Torture Methods: Stomping on Practitioners with Heavy Shoes (Part 3 of 5) 2014-10-21
- - Changchun Brainwashing Center Seeks to "Transform" Falun Gong Practitioners 2014-12-03