- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - October 19, 2020 2020-10-20
- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - October 26, 2020 2020-10-27
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Paying Attention to Sending Righteous Thoughts" 2020-11-15
- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - November 16, 2020 2020-11-17
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Getting Rid of the Attachment to Fame" 2020-11-29
- - Greetings to the Taiwan Fa Conference 2020-12-05
- - To the Fa Conference in Taiwan 2020-12-05
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "My Understanding of What It Means to Have a Pure and Serene Mind" 2020-10-17
- - On the General Election 2020-11-09
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Young Practitioner: Growing Up Under Master's Watch" 2020-02-01
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "How Dafa Brought Amazing Changes in Children" 2020-02-29
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Behaving as Dafa Disciples Wherever We Are" 2020-02-22
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Doing the Impossible" 2020-02-15
- - Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil 2006-10-25
- - Notice Regarding Student Applications to Music Program at Fei Tian Academy of the Arts and the Department of Music at Fei Tian College 2017-01-11
- - Notice Regarding Student Applications to the Dance Program at Fei Tian Academy of the Arts 2017-01-11
- - Notice: Call for Submissions to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day 2017 2017-02-28
- - Re-creation 2017-04-27
- - Creating Anew 2017-04-27
- - Re-creation 2017-04-27
- - Fa Teaching at the New York Fa Conference on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Dafa's Introduction to the Public 2017-05-28
- - We Must Know and Be Clearheaded about Our Principles and Fundamentals 2020-11-07
- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - February 22, 2021 2021-02-23
- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - March 1, 2021 2021-03-02
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Imprisoned Practitioner Uses Every Opportunity To Tell Others About Falun Dafa" 2021-01-17