- - Righteous Thoughts 2014-02-14
- - Notice: Call for Submissions to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day 2014 2014-02-22
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "I Was Fortunate to Obtain Dafa When I Was Desperate" 2014-05-11
- - Announcement Regarding Yang Qingping, Yang Cuiping, and Zeng Dongjin in Macao 2014-05-31
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "New Practitioner: A Very Different Way of Obtaining the Fa" 2014-06-23
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Falun Dafa Is Deeply Rooted In My Heart" 2014-07-30
- - Call for Articles for the 11th China Fahui on 2014-08-01
- - Fa Teaching at the 2013 Greater New York Fa Conference 2013-06-09
- - Podcast (Persecution): "The April 25 Appeal and the CCP's Plot to Persecute Falun Gong" 2014-04-11
- - Podcast (Persecution): "The Truth About the April 25 Appeal - Deceptive Propaganda Twists Peaceful Protest into Justification for Violent Repression" 2014-04-18
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "I Experienced the Wonder of Happiness within Bitterness" 2014-04-05
- - The Red Demon is Incinerated While Adamantine Ones are Tempered 2014-02-16
- - Fa Teaching on World Falun Dafa Day 2014-05-31
- - Still So Arrogant and Reckless? 2014-07-17
- - Call for Graphics Illustrating That Quitting the Party Is an Issue of Morality 2014-11-10
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Reciting the Fa and Looking Inward Helped Me Eliminate My Attachment to Video Games" 2015-02-06
- - Notice: Call for Submissions to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day 2015 2015-03-13
- - Notice 2014-11-07
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "The Responsibilities of Young Dafa Practitioners" 2014-11-17
- - Fa Teaching Given at the 2014 San Francisco Fa Conference 2014-11-03
- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - January 26, 2015 2015-01-28
- - Podcast (Top Stories): Falun Dafa News from Around the World - February 2, 2015 2015-02-04
- - Notice Regarding Student Applications to Department of Music at Fei Tian College 2015-02-09
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "New Practitioner: Medical Professor Has a Predestined Relationship with Dafa" 2014-11-06
- - Podcast (Cultivation): "Eliminate Evil and Rescue Fellow Practitioners" 2014-12-07