- - Shaanxi Man Dies from Tuberculosis Developed During Imprisonment for His Faith 2018-12-29
- - Police Threaten Lawyers Into Dropping Investigation of Falun Gong Practitioner's Death in Custody 2019-02-03
- - Hebei Woman Falls to Her Death Trying to Escape Arrest for Her Faith 2019-04-13
- - Sentenced to Five Years at 76 and Pension Suspended, Shandong Engineer Dies After Years of Living in Poverty 2019-05-03
- - Sentenced to Six Years for His Faith, Liaoning Man Dies 9 Months after Being Released on Medial Parole 2019-05-04
- - Researcher Dies after Ongoing Police Harassment Following Imprisonment for His Faith in Falun Gong 2019-05-13
- - Woman Dies from Stroke Induced by Arrest for Her Faith Two Months Ago 2018-12-02
- - Driven Insane at 22, Deceased at 40 - Tianjin Man Becomes Latest Victim of Forced Labor Camp Brutality 2019-03-09
- - Beijing Man Dies Eight Months After Prison Release 2019-03-18
- - Imprisoned Woman Forced to Take 1,200 Pills to Treat Condition She Didn't Have, Dies 14 Months After Being Released 2019-06-13
- - Heilongjiang Woman Dies from Tuberculosis after Years of Torture for Not Renouncing Her Faith 2019-07-09
- - Belated News: Two Falun Gong Practitioners Die from Torture in 2005 and 2009 2019-07-14
- - Chongqing Man Dies After Decade Long Persecution for His Faith 2018-12-13
- - Beijing Woman in Critical Condition Three Months After Imprisonment for Her Faith, Dies Ten Months Later 2019-02-23
- - Stroke Patient Denied Medical Parole, Dies in Prison While Serving Time for His Faith 2019-03-24
- - Martial Arts Champion Tortured in Prison for 13 Years, Dies Five Years Later (Graphic Photos) 2019-05-20
- - Cancer-Stricken Woman Sentenced to Prison for Her Faith, Dies Nine Months Later 2019-05-26
- - Henan Man Becomes Third Person in His Family to Die in the Persecution of Falun Gong 2019-05-30
- - Heilongjiang Woman on Medical Parole Dies from Symptoms Developed While Imprisoned for Her Faith 2018-12-20
- - Woman Dies Three Months After Prison Release—Internal Organs Festered After Years of Torture 2019-01-26
- - Shandong Woman Dies Months After Being Arrested and Harassed for Her Faith 2018-12-27
- - Elderly Doctor Dies after 20 Years of Police Harassment for His Faith in Falun Gong 2019-06-01
- - Former Business Owner Dies at 50 After Repeated Detention and Harassment 2019-06-28
- - Sichuan Woman Dies Nine Months After Being Admitted to Prison for Not Renouncing Her Faith 2019-07-24
- - Imprisoned Mother of U.S. Resident Dies Nine Months Before Scheduled Release, Family Suspects Foul Play 2019-07-31