- - 80-year-old Man Sentenced to Eight Years Dies Less Than Two Years After Being Released on Medical Parole 2021-06-20
- - Elderly Man in His Late 70s Dies After Two Decades of Harassment 2021-06-24
- - Belated News: Woman Dies a Month After Being Imprisoned 2021-06-24
- - Belated News: Beijing Man Loses Three Family Members in One Month in the Persecution of Falun Gong 2021-06-25
- - Henan Man Dies in Custody One Month After Being Arrested for Practicing Falun Gong 2021-06-26
- - Schoolteacher Dies 10 Days Before Prison Term Ends, Family Suspects Organ Harvesting 2021-06-22
- - Having Lost His Wife to the Persecution of Their Faith, Shandong Man Dies One Day After Arrest 2021-06-30
- - Inner Mongolia Man Dies After Three Terms of Forced Labor and Years of Harassment 2021-07-02
- - Liaoning Man Dies Months After Arrest for Practicing Falun Gong, Authorities Concealing Details 2021-07-01
- - Henan Woman Dies Alone after Years of Incarceration for Her Faith 2018-02-27
- - After Remaining Comatose for Two Years, Liaoning Man Dies While Imprisoned for His Faith 2018-05-21
- - Henan Man Dies 18 Days after Being Released on Medical Parole 2018-06-03
- - Jilin Woman Dies in Custody, Family Suspects Foul Play 2017-03-14
- - Heilongjiang Man Dies 12 Days after Release on Medical Parole 2018-06-09
- - Woman Dies Mysteriously and Police Order Her Body Cremated Without Her Husband's Consent 2018-08-06
- - Elderly Husband Dies Three Months After 73-year-old Wife Given Second Prison Term for Their Shared Faith 2018-10-31
- - Crimes Committed in the Fushun City Detention Center 2018-11-09
- - Ms. Se Guirong Dies After Eight Years of Imprisonment and Torture 2018-02-19
- - Thrice Imprisoned Woman Dies 7 Months After Being Released on Medical Parole 2018-03-19
- - Former Academic and Business Executive Dies after Repeated Arrests and Lengthy Imprisonment 2018-04-07
- - 70-Year-Old Man Dies in Prison, Authorities Refuse to Reveal Cause of Death 2018-05-07
- - Jiangsu Man Convicted for His Faith Dies One Day after Second Prison Term Expires 2018-08-04
- - Woman Dies Two Years After Mental Breakdown from Being Forced to Watch Appalling Torture 2018-03-18
- - Heilongjiang Man Dies Barely a Month after Being Released from Prison 2018-05-12
- - Twice Imprisoned Falun Gong Practitioner Dies After Being in a 27-Month Coma 2018-06-29