- - Psychiatric Abuse: Shoe Factory Worker Suffers Mental Breakdown and Dies After Injections of Toxic Drugs 2014-02-08
- - Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Luo Jiangping Released from Prison in Critical Condition, Dies in Five Days 2014-01-11
- - Falun Gong Practitioner Hospitalized Within Hours of Arrest, Passes Away Two Months Later 2014-01-11
- - Ms. Wu Zexiu Dies as a Result of Persecution in Spite of China's Renewed Guarantee of Constitutional Rights 2014-01-27
- - Mr. Du Zhiying Dies Within Months of Release from County Detention Center 2014-02-24
- - Heilongjiang Province: Locals Remember a Deceased Falun Gong Practitioner on the Anniversary of His Arrest 2014-03-28
- - Tortured for Three Years in Siping City Prison, Mr. Xu Dongping Now Dead 2014-04-08
- - Good Samaritan Persecuted to Death 2014-04-10
- - Mr. Ge Peijun Dies from Systemic Organ Failure Caused by Years of Brutal Persecution 2014-04-25
- - Illegally Sentenced to Seven Years, a Retired Teacher Dies as a Result of the Persecution 2014-05-01
- - Ms. Yang Chunling Dies as a Result of Torture and Abuse for Tapping into a TV Network to Broadcast Falun Gong Programs 2014-05-22
- - Tragic Events Unfold after Brutal Prison Beating 2014-09-21
- - Doctor Dies after Protest Hunger Strike, Authorities' Refusal of Medical Parole 2014-11-06
- - Belated Report: Imprisoned for Eight Years, Female Teacher Passed Away 2015-01-05
- - Ms. Fan Liping Dies One Day Following Her Arrest 2015-02-09
- - More Information on the 2002 Death of Mr. Wang Jingyi 2014-09-15
- - Guizhou Accountant Dies Within Two Months on Medical Parole (Graphic Photo) 2014-09-23
- - Thirty Death Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Confirmed in 2015 2015-04-10
- - Ms. Li Xiaojing Died Just Months after Release from Prison 2014-09-25
- - Dafa Practitioner Xiang Xulin Tortured to Death in the Chishan Prison, Jin City, Hunan Province (phone numbers included) 2003-06-15
- - Harassed after Four Years in Prison, Mr. Li Hailong Dies at Home 2014-11-16
- - Mr. Liu Zhanhai, Arrested for Doing the Falun Gong Exercises, Dies in Prison 2014-12-11
- - Ms. Xu Chunxia Dies, Family Threatened to Keep Silent 2014-12-12
- - Belated News: Urumqi Environmental Engineer Dies after Years of Persecution 2014-12-20
- - Beaten to a Vegetative State, Ms. Ma Liqin Died in 2013 (Photos) 2015-01-12