- - Washington Times: We're hopping mad, we just can't hop far [Excerpt] 2001-07-09
- - Ottawa Sun: China draws protester 2001-07-09
- - Taipei Times Online: Seeing behind Beijing's veil of lies 2001-07-09
- - Globe and Mail: Why China should not get the Olympics 2001-07-10
- - Bucks County Courier Times: Falun Gong practitioners will march through Bucks 2001-07-09
- - Newsday [NY]: Marchers Rally For Falun Gong 2001-07-09
- - USA Today: Beijing not right for Olympic Games 2001-07-10
- - Canadian Press: Despite ban on Falun Gong, China finds [group] still a force to be reckoned with 2001-07-10
- - Canberra Times: Vigil Held For Members Of Falun Dafa 2001-07-10
- - Photo Report: UK Media Extensively Report on Wanjia Massacre 2001-07-11
- - Bucks County Courier Times [Pennsylvania]: The longest march 2001-07-11
- - New Jersey Online: Falun Gong supporters rally in Princeton 2001-07-11
- - Newsweek: A Chinese Century? [Excerpt] 2001-07-11
- - St. Petersburg Times [Florida]: Seeking peace 2001-07-12
- - Liberal Aerogramme [UK]: Falun Gong & Communist Repression 2001-07-12
- - Dajia Forum: Chinese Communist Spies Are Seeded Worldwide 2001-07-12
- - Home News Tribune: Falun Gong followers march to draw attention to plight 2001-07-12
- - Amarillo Globe-News [Arizona]: Group focuses attention on persecution in China 2001-07-12
- - Iowa State Daily: Falun Dafa welcomed here in United States 2001-07-12
- - BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong's Falun Gong adherents write to US leader to raise concerns with Tung 2001-07-12
- - ABC: Falun Gong members plan protest march from Sydney to Canberra 2001-07-12
- - China Using Olympic Bid to Intensify Persecution of Falun Gong 2001-07-12
- - The Gazette [Colorado]: Chinese criticize leaders/ Coloradans support Falun Gong group 2001-07-13
- - The Gothenburg Post: Zhang Cuiying 2001-07-13
- - Delaware County of Pennsylvania: Falun Gong supporters march in Delco 2001-07-13