- - Photo collection: Hong Kong Police Arrest Peaceful Falun Gong Practitioners 2001-08-26
- - AP: Hong Kong police toughen stance on Falun Gong 2001-08-27
- - Hartford Courant: Storrs Woman Joins Protest 2001-08-27
- - Inter Press Service: Asia: "National Security" A Cloak For Violating Rights [Excerpt] 2001-08-27
- - New Haven Register: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike 2001-08-27
- - World Journal: Falun Gong Practitioners' Relay Hunger Strike 2001-08-28
- - Irish Times: Zhu to answer human rights questions [Excerpt] 2001-08-28
- - French International Broadcasting Company Reports News of Protest to Mainland China 2001-08-28
- - THE WASHINGTON TIMES: Hunger Strikers Consider Change of Tactics 2001-08-28
- - CNN: Falun Gong continue hunger strike 2001-08-28
- - Reuters: HK Falun Gong Members in 3rd Day of Hunger Strike 2001-08-28
- - AFP: Falun Gong Family From France Seized During Visit to China, Report Says 2001-08-28
- - Earth Times: Chinese consulate refuses letter from Falun Gong followers 2001-08-28
- - Czech Republic: Falun Gong stages silent protest outside Chinese embassy 2001-08-28
- - Canberra-ABC News: Falun Gong Member on Hunger Strike Taken to Hospital 2001-08-28
- - Media Reports: Hong Kong Hunger Strike and Detainment 2001-08-29
- - UPI: Chinese official accused of torture 2001-08-29
- - UPI: Falun Gong to protest outside U.N. 2001-08-29
- - SCMP: [Group] Accuses Convention Centre of Bookings Bias 2001-08-29
- - Los Angeles Times: Local Falun Gong Members Stage Quiet Protest 2001-08-30
- - Bluepages (Ireland): A lone vigil for justice 2001-08-30
- - GUARDIAN: Practitioners gather support for outlawed spiritual practice 2001-08-30
- - AFP: Another Top Chinese Official Hit by Falungong Torture Suit 2001-08-30
- - Berliner Zeitung (Germany): Silent Protest on the bridge [Excerpt] 2001-08-30
- - AWSJ: Falun Gong Protesters Vow to Maintain Sit-In --- Activists in Hong Kong Say China Must Change 2001-08-30