- - Penfield Post [NY]: Falun Gong explained 2001-08-18
- - CNN: China: On the brink of a moral crisis? 2001-08-19
- - World Journal: Persistent High Temperatures in Chongqing City Cost 2.1 Billion Yuan of Economic Loss 2001-08-19
- - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel :Falun Gong rally planned in Madison 2001-08-19
- - Photo Collection: AP photo report on the SOS in Japan 2001-08-19
- - Reuters: Falun Gong Members Launch Washington Hunger Strike 2001-08-19
- - ABC: Falungong followers launch Washington hunger strike 2001-08-19
- - CNN: China jails accused over Falun Gong 2001-08-20
- - Reuters: China Jails 45 Falun Gong Organizers - Report 2001-08-20
- - AP: China sentences five Falun Gong members to serve up to 13 years in prison 2001-08-20
- - BBC: Heavy sentences for Falun Gong members 2001-08-20
- - AP: Members of Banned Meditation [group] Falun Gong Carry Framed... 2001-08-20
- - Photo Report: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Japan 2001-08-21
- - THE WASHINGTON TIMES: Chinese fasting to back Falun Gong 2001-08-21
- - FOX News: Falun Gong Hunger Strikers Protest Chinese Oppression 2001-08-21
- - Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial: Brutal efficiency 2001-08-21
- - Reuters: Reported Falun Gong Sentences 'Disturbing' to U.S. 2001-08-21
- - AP: U.S. Disturbed by Falun Gong Reports 2001-08-21
- - WASHINGTON TIMES: Chinese Embassy ejects 2 strikers 2001-08-22
- - THE BIRMINGHAM NEWS: 2 Locals Strike for Falun Gong 2001-08-22
- - Voice of America: Falun Gong News Conference in Russia 2001-08-21
- - AFP: U.S.-based Falun Gong Activists Slam Jiang 2001-08-22
- - Morning Call: Free Falun Gong 2001-08-22
- - Guardian: Chinese whispers surround Falun Gong trial 2001-08-22
- - VOA News: US Asks China to End Falun Gong Crackdown 2001-08-22