- - Huntsville Times: Readers Rite Religion once called a strength now outlawed by government 2000-11-05
- - AP: Falun Gong Places Ads In HK Papers, "Welcome" China Leader 2000-11-07
- - Far Eastern Economic Review: President Jiang vents frustrations in a rare public outburst that points to bigger battles ahead 2000-11-08
- - Two Editorials in the Huaqiao (Overseas Chinese) Daily: Readers' Thinking 2000-11-08
- - CNN: China cracks down on Internet news, chat 2000-11-08
- - State Journal-Register: Family safety a concern of Falun Gong followers 2000-11-08
- - SCMP: Falun Gong lobbies visiting official 2000-11-08
- - Providence Journal (Rhode Island, U.S.A.): China flouts law 2004-04-19
- - Media Reports of Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Premier Wen Jiabao in the U.K. 2004-05-11
- - China Times, Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Gathered in Kaohsiung and Spread Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance 2004-05-14
- - The Netherlands: Report from Danish Newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad -- Interview: "Chinese freedom of religion means freedom to worship what the state has approved" 2004-05-20
- - Indiana, USA: South Bend Tribune, IN Reports that Bike Ride "Pedals of Peace" Arrives and the Travelers Tell of Persecution of Falun Gong in China (Photos) 2004-05-22
- - USA: Wyoming Tribune Reports Van Tour Members' Torture Exhibit (Photo) 2004-05-22
- - VOA: Hu Jintao Visits Warsaw, Bo Xilai Charged with Crimes 2004-06-13
- - (Reference Material) - The Asian Pacific Post: Why Is Nortel Helping China Jail Internet Users? (excerpted) 2004-06-24
- - The Epoch Times: Interview with a Victim of South Africa Shooting (Photos) 2004-07-09
- - Epoch Times: Commentary: Five Years of Persecution is Five Years Too Long (Photos) 2004-07-19
- - Chambersburg Public Opinion PA: Youngsters ride to call attention to torture 2004-07-19
- - The Star, Malaysia: Falun Gong followers in Hong Kong protest mainland [persecution] 2004-07-19
- - Radio Free Asia: Three Thousand Falun Gong Practitioners Rally in Washington DC 2004-07-28
- - South China Morning Post: Is justice delayed justice denied to Falun Gong 16? 2004-07-31
- - London Free Press (Canada) Reports On the Toronto Libel Suit Against a Chinese Diplomat 2004-07-31
- - World Journal: Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in Boston and Expose Facts of Persecution (Photos) 2004-07-31
- - San Diego CityBeat: Truth about Falun Gong 2004-07-31
- - Radio Free Asia: Chen Zhili Sued by Falun Gong during Her Visit to Tanzania 2004-08-04