- - All Practitioners from Canada Congratulate the Official Founding of the Saipan Falun Dafa Association 2002-05-03
- - Ding Guangen, Director of Chinese Propaganda Bureau and "610 Office," Arrives in Canada May 9th, 2002 2002-05-14
- - Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts In a Driving Rainstorm Near the Capital of Latvia 2002-06-12
- - Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Practice outside Immigration Tower and Protest Persecution 2002-07-01
- - Kansas Practitioners Hold Press Conference on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture (Photos) 2002-07-01
- - Practitioners in Iowa Celebrate "Falun Dafa Week" (Photos) 2002-07-01
- - Falun Dafa Practitioners from Around the World Peacefully Appeal to the Hong Kong Government to Treat Falun Gong with Justice and Kindness (Photos) 2002-07-07
- - Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong on UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in Cologne, Germany (Photos) 2002-07-07
- - New York Falun Dafa Association's Letter to Hong Kong's Top Officials 2002-07-10
- - St. Louis Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold a "Music of Summer" Party to Entertain Overseas Chinese People (Photos) 2002-07-13
- - Lotus Flowers from the Hearts and Hands of Falun Dafa Practitioners: A Message of Hope and Thanks 2002-07-18
- - A Fa-rectification Journey to Europe--Bits and Pieces of My Thoughts 2002-07-21
- - Paris, France: A Peaceful Parade for Urgent Rescue on July 19th 2002-07-24
- - Queensland, Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Memorial on the 3rd Anniversary of Jiang's Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos) 2002-07-24
- - Germany: Clarifying the Truth in Berlin on the 3rd Anniversary of July 20 (Photos) 2002-07-24
- - Macao: Practitioners Hold Series of Activities on July 20 to Call for an End to the Persecution (Photos) 2002-07-24
- - Spreading the Fa to the People of Clonmany Inishowen Donegal, Ireland 2002-07-27
- - Falun Dafa Practitioners from Argentina Peacefully Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy on July 20 (Photo) 2002-07-27
- - Photo Report: Western Falun Gong Practitioners Meditating in Greece 2002-07-29
- - Opening Remarks for Washington DC July 23 Rally 2002-07-31
- - Director of Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor and other Observers of the Political Trial Speak Out 2002-08-17
- - Swedish Practitioners Hold Simultaneous Demonstrations in Stockholm and Gothenburg (Photos) 2002-08-17
- - Quitting Dealing Drugs, New Practitioners Spread the Fa in Bowen, Queensland, Australia (Photos) 2002-08-19
- - Sweden: Practitioners Protest Hong Kong's Unjust Verdict Outside Chinese Consulate in Goteburg (Photos) 2002-08-19
- - Further Report from the First World Congress of Future Science and Culture in Cambridge, UK 2002-03-15