- - Photo Report: Hongfa in New Zealand 2001-09-29
- - Photo Report: SOS! Global RescueWalk in Pingdong, Taiwan 2001-09-28
- - Montreal Practitioners Kick Off SOS Walk from Ottawa to UN Headquarters in New York 2001-10-10
- - Friends of Falun Gong Europe Has Been Established 2001-10-11
- - First "Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition in Berlin Concludes Successfully 2001-10-11
- - Meetings with Journalists in Finland and Lithuania 2001-11-21
- - Dafa Practitioners in China Salute Western Practitioners For Coming to Tiananmen Square 2001-11-29
- - UK National Fa Study Day Focuses on Clarifying the Truth to Visitors from China 2001-12-06
- - The Northern European Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Netherlands Falun Dafa Association's Official Formation 2001-12-12
- - German National Television Station Positively Reports on Falun Gong and Interviews German Practitioners 2001-12-14
- - Letter of Congratulations for Changchun Falun Dafa Day from Practitioners in the Western United States 2001-12-23
- - Falun Appears in the Christmas Celebration Party in the Office of a Toronto Member of Parliament 2001-12-23
- - New Jersey: Town of Teaneck Warmly Welcomes Falun Gong 2002-01-04
- - Faluns Show up at New Year's Party of New Jersey Practitioners and their Families 2002-01-04
- - The Theatrical Performance at the Florida Fa Conference 2002-01-13
- - Tokyo, Japan: Practitioners Start a 3-day Vigil Outside of Chinese Embassy to Appeal to Stop Killings 2002-01-13
- - Seattle, USA: Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil Outside Chinese Consulate to Condemn the Persecution 2002-01-13
- - Vancouver, Canada: Practitioners Condemn the Recent Torture and Killing of Falun Gong Practitioners by Jiang's Regime 2002-01-13
- - The Italy Falun Dafa Association Sends Heartfelt Congratulations on the Establishment of "Changchun Falun Dafa Day" 2002-01-13
- - Toronto, Canada: Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil in Front of Chinese Consulate in Memory of the Practitioners Killed in the Persecution 2002-01-13
- - Falun Dafa Practitioners Spread and Rectify the Fa in Macedonia 2002-01-30
- - Taiwan: Tainan Falun Gong Study and Practicing Camp During Winter Break for School Teachers 2002-01-30
- - Named a "Prisoner of Conscience" by Amnesty International Canada, Falun Gong Practitioner Regains Freedom 2002-01-30
- - Hongfa on Australia Day 2002-01-30
- - UK Practitioners Hold a Study Day in London 2002-02-06