- - Bulgaria: More People in Bulgaria Learn the Truth (Photos) 2004-06-11
- - Ontario, Canada: Practitioners Receive Warm Welcome at Welland Summer Celebration (Photos) 2004-06-18
- - Sweden: Exhibition Held at the University of Stockholm to Help People Learn the Truth about Falun Gong (Photos) 2004-06-18
- - United Kingdom: Clarifying the Truth Outside the Scottish Parliament 2004-06-23
- - Hungary: Promoting Falun Gong at a Sports Festival in Budapest (Photos) 2004-06-23
- - Austrian Falun Dafa Information Center Holds Press Conference in Vienna (Photos) 2004-06-23
- - Sweden: Introducing Falun Dafa in the City of Sunne (Photos) 2004-06-23
- - Australia: Celebrating National Falun Dafa Day and Clarifying the Truth in Canberra (Photos) 2004-06-27
- - Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa to an Enthusiastic Audience at a Psychic Fair (Photos) 2004-06-27
- - Bali, Indonesia: Falun Dafa Introduced at School for the Blind in Denpasar (Photos) 2004-07-21
- - Colorado: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Fort Morgan Summer Parade (Photos) 2004-07-21
- - Taipei, Taiwan: Minghui School Holds Nine-Day Classes for Young Practitioners (Photos) 2004-08-01
- - Falun Gong Parade in Seattle's Chinatown (Photos) 2004-08-01
- - Korean Falun Dafa Association Invited by Spiritual Science Association to Introduce Falun Dafa (Photos) 2004-08-01
- - Latvia: "Falun Dafa is Good!" (Photo) 2004-08-01
- - Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution to People in Eastern Slovakia (Photos) 2004-08-14
- - Greece: Photo Report - Parade in Athens Attracts International Media 2004-08-14
- - Falun Dafa Group is a Shining Star on Stage In Numerous Activities in Taiwan (Photos) 2004-08-22
- - Taiwan: Summer Vacation Falun Dafa Study Camp for Teachers Held in Jiayi City (Photos) 2004-08-22
- - Greece: Falun Gong Practitioners Host a Musical Evening Entitled "Lotus Inspiration" in Athens (Photos) 2004-08-24
- - Falun Gong Practitioners in Toronto Introduce Falun Gong to Immigration Lawyers 2004-05-17
- - Missouri, USA: Falun Gong Welcomed in the Valley of Flowers Parade (Photos) 2004-05-17
- - Taiwan: Professor of Medicine Talks about the Way to Health (Photos) 2004-05-20
- - Spain: Promoting Falun Gong and Clarifying the Truth at the "Earth Day" Festival Held in Barcelona (Photos) 2004-05-20
- - Germany: Practitioners in Berlin Invited to Hold a Seminar Introducing Falun Gong at a Berlin Police Station (Photos) 2004-05-29