- - Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Invited to Give Training Sessions for Government Employees (Photos) 2004-04-25
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Celebrate Freedom of Belief in Florida Parade (Photos) 2004-04-30
- - California: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Earth Day Event at the University of California in Sacramento 2004-05-03
- - Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Chang Gung University's Anniversary Celebration (Photos) 2004-05-03
- - UK: Some Touching Experiences Outside the Chinese Embassy 2004-05-08
- - Taiwan: Falun Dafa Is Introduced at An-hsi National Elementary School Sports Meet (Photos) 2004-05-19
- - "Rescue Our Family Members" Committee Holds Seminar to Reveal Ms. Yoko Kaneko's Suffering in China 2004-05-29
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Singapore's Grand Walk (Photos) 2004-05-29
- - Chicago, USA: Exhibition of Torture Methods Jiang's Group Uses Against Falun Gong Practitioners Moves People to Tears (Photos) 2004-05-29
- - Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Recognized for Contributions to Community Health (Photos) 2004-05-30
- - Taiwan: Falun Dafa Week at Chang Gung University (Photos) 2004-06-11
- - Boston, U.S.A.: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Asian Heritage Festival 2004-06-11
- - Delaware, U.S.A.: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Community Event (Photos) 2004-06-11
- - Imperial Valley Press, CA: E.C. Public Library hosts 'Falun Dafa' celebration 2004-06-22
- - Fremont, California: Local Residents Welcome Falun Gong at Independence Day Parade (Photos) 2004-07-06
- - Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Hamburg's Altonale Cultural Festival (Photos) 2004-07-10
- - Taiwan: Special TV Program Introduces Falun Gong 2004-07-14
- - Canada: Practitioners Win First Place Award in Calgary Stampede Parade (Photos) 2004-07-14
- - Indiana: Falun Gong Practitioners Attend Carmel Independence Day Parade (Photos) 2004-07-14
- - A Precious Opportunity (Photos) 2004-07-14
- - Washington: "Uncompromising Courage" Exhibition Held in the Rayburn House Exhibit Hall 2004-07-17
- - Fifth Anniversary of Counteracting Persecution -- San Francisco Holds "Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa" Poster Exhibition and Anti-Torture Demonstration (Photos) 2004-07-20
- - Korea: Despite Rain, Practitioners Hold Grand Parade to Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution (Photos) 2004-07-20
- - Taichung County, Taiwan: Practitioners Hold Falun Dafa Study Session for Teachers (Photos) 2004-07-20
- - Taiwan: National Signature Campaign Against Persecution in Taoyuan Train Station (Photos) 2004-07-20