- - Practitioners Learn from Master's Words and Share Experiences at the Taiwan Fa Conference 2018-11-28
- - Russia: A Meditation Practice That Improves Lives 2019-01-12
- - Germany: Cultivating and Validating Falun Dafa at Work 2019-01-23
- - Finland: Falun Dafa Practitioners Improve While Helping People to Awaken 2019-03-22
- - [New York Fa Conference] Cultivating in Falun Dafa as Particle of the EpochTimes 2019-05-25
- - [New York Fa Conference] Clarifying the Truth through Wikipedia 2019-05-25
- - [Hong Kong Fa Conference] Infinite Grace Forges Cultivators 2019-05-30
- - [Hong Kong Fa Conference] Decades-long Perseverance—Overcoming Hardship and Safeguarding Our Truth Clarification Site 2019-05-30
- - Ukraine: Falun Dafa Practitioners Gather to Share Cultivation Experiences and Insights 2019-06-08
- - Walking My Cultivation Path with My Mom 2018-12-04
- - Germany: Cultivating As a Member of the Tian Guo Marching Band 2019-01-24
- - [Minghui Fahui] The Power of Selfless Cooperation 2018-07-10
- - Cultivating Like When I First Started, and Catching Up with the Progress of Fa-rectification 2018-12-01
- - Remembering to Look Inward and Get Rid of Attachments While Promoting Shen Yun 2018-12-02
- - Cherishing Each Chance to Cultivate My Heart and Mind 2019-01-25
- - Germany: Eliminating Fear and Saving Sentient Beings 2019-01-29
- - China: Cherishing the Opportunity to Share Cultivation Experiences—Commemorating World Falun Dafa Day 2019 2019-03-24
- - Practitioners Discuss Understandings After Experience-Sharing Conference in New York 2019-05-21
- - [New York Fa Conference] Breaking Through the Maze with Righteous Thoughts 2019-05-27
- - [Hong Kong Fa Conference] Overcoming Interference and Delivering Information about Falun Dafa to Save People 2019-06-02
- - [Hong Kong Fa Conference] Treasuring Cultivation Opportunities and Saving Sentient Beings 2019-06-02
- - Assimilating with Dafa to Save Sentient Beings 2019-07-29
- - Maturing in Cultivation During Media Work 2019-07-31
- - Taiwan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Learn from Each Other During Conference 2019-08-17
- - Attendees of the New York Conference Talk About What They've Learned 2019-05-28