- - Reminiscing About the 1998 Falun Gong Conference in Gansu Province, China 2013-10-08
- - [Celebrating May 13] Recalling Master's Grace and Retelling Master's Miracles 2013-06-01
- - My Personal Experience as an Eye Witness of "7.20" 1999 2013-08-03
- - [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners Thank Founder for Teaching the Fa at the Sydney Conference 21 Years Ago 2020-05-24
- - Reminiscing about Our Revered Teacher Spreading the Fa in the City of Dalian 12 Years Ago, Part 2 2006-04-25
- - Recalling the Upsurge of Fa-study and Fa-memorization in Changchun 2014-08-14
- - Recalling Master Li's Lectures in Paris 25 Years Ago 2020-04-16
- - [Selected Submission] Falun Dafa in Changchun (Part V) (Photos) 2012-07-11
- - [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Recalling My Journey in Falun Dafa 2020-05-18
- - Reminiscing about Master Li Hongzhi's visit to Taiwan in 1997 (Part 2) 2020-06-03
- - Dalian Practitioner Recounts Precious Days Spent With Master (Part 5) 2015-11-24
- - [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Are the People of China Inherently Ill-Behaved? 2015-05-19
- - Looking Back on Master Li's Five Seminars in Guangzhou (Part 5) 2015-03-14
- - Memories of Cultivating Before the Persecution 2015-03-10
- - Falun Dafa's Tremendous Popularity in China: A Glimpse Back at 1999 2015-03-01
- - Recalling Master Li's Early Fa Lecture Class 2014-10-21
- - On the 12th Anniversary of Tapping into State Television to Broadcast the Truth about Falun Gong: Remembering the Heroes (Part 3 of 3) 2014-03-15
- - On the 12th Anniversary of Tapping into State Television to Broadcast the Truth about Falun Gong: Remembering the Heroes (Part 1 of 3) 2014-03-12
- - On the 12th Anniversary of Tapping into State Television to Broadcast the Truth about Falun Gong: Remembering the Heroes (Part 2 of 3) 2014-03-13
- - Remembering Master Li Hongzhi's Visit to Taiwan in 1997 (Part 1) 2020-06-02
- - Precious Memories of Attending Teacher's Fa Lectures 2020-06-05
- - Dalian Practitioner Recounts Precious Days Spent With Master (Part 3) 2015-11-22
- - Practicing Group Falun Gong Exercises in Beijing in 1992 and 1993 2015-09-30
- - Recalling Four Large-Scale Group Activities by Falun Gong Practitioners in Wuhan City, Hubei Province (Photos) 2012-12-04
- - Memories of Wuhan City "701 Center" Fa Lectures 2012-08-01