- - Austin, TX: Falun Dafa Practitioners Rally at The University of Texas to Mark the 4-25 Peaceful Appeal (Photos) 2004-05-07
- - Radio Free Asia Reports that Four Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioners Were Denied Entry at the Hong Kong Airport 2004-05-07
- - Taiwan: Young Falun Gong Practitioners in Taozhumiao Study the Fa and Practice the Exercises (Photos) 2004-05-07
- - Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue their Appeal Outside the Adlon Hotel to Bring Jiang to Justice (Photos) 2004-05-07
- - Sydney Morning Herald: Beijing plays big brother on the net 2004-05-07
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Munich: "Welcome Wen Jiabao, Bring Jiang to Justice" 2004-05-07
- - Germany: Symbolic Trial of Jiang and his Accomplices at the Chinese Consulate in Munich on International Labor Day (Photos) 2004-05-07
- - Cultivate from the Fa and Oppose the Persecution More Clearheadedly 2004-05-09
- - The Metropolitan New York Area Starts Celebrating the Fifth World Falun Dafa Day (1) (Photos) 2004-05-10
- - Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Hiroshima Flower Festival Parade (Photos) 2004-05-10
- - Murder of Dafa Practitioner Gu Xiuxian and Others as a Result of Torture at the Hands of Shuangcheng City Police 2004-05-09
- - Asian American Press: N. Dakota resident has relative detained in Mongolia 2004-05-10
- - Editor of a Chinese Newspaper in Spain: Today I Met a True Falun Gong Practitioner 2004-05-09
- - South America: Peru National Police Issue Certification of Appreciation to Falun Dafa Practitioners (Photos) 2004-05-10
- - Minnesota, USA: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in May Day Festival Parade and Win Acclaim (Photos) 2004-05-10
- - Taipei Times: Taiwan Quick Take -- Falun Dafa Hails Mothers 2004-05-10
- - Couple from Qinhuangdao City Suffer Severe Persecution -- The Experience Leaves Their Young Child Traumatized 2004-05-12
- - Some Thoughts on Jiang's Crimes Against Humanity: The Lawsuits Are for the Benefit of All People 2004-05-12
- - Solemn Declarations from Practitioners 2004-05-12
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - April 29, 2004 2004-05-12
- - Protect the Luster and Beauty of Hong Kong, the "Pearl of the Orient" 2004-05-12
- - Germany: Practitioners Bring Peace and Harmony to a Conference of the International Federation of Professional Aroma-Therapists (Photos) 2004-05-12
- - UK: Appeal to Welcome Wen Jiabao and Bring Bo Xilai to Justice (Photos) 2004-05-12
- - Charlotte, North Carolina: Artist Practitioner Clarifies the Truth on TV Channel 21 (Photos) 2004-05-12
- - Montreal, Canada: Youths Learn About the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (Photo) 2004-05-12