- - Australia: Practitioners Join the Historical Bendigo Easter Festival (Photos) 2004-04-18
- - 234 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void 2004-04-18
- - Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Call for an End to the Persecution and Bringing Jiang Zemin and His Followers to Justice (Photos) 2004-04-18
- - Finnish Practitioner Interviewed by a Local Broadcasting Station in New York 2004-04-21
- - The Sense of Inferiority is a Manifestation of Poor Enlightenment Quality and An Attachment to Self 2004-04-20
- - An Overview of Events at the UNHRC 2004-04-21
- - Human Rights Are Not Negotiable 2004-04-20
- - Never Give Up On Saving People, Even If They Seem to Have Little Hope 2004-04-20
- - A Simple Discussion on the Seriousness of Studying the Fa with Focus 2004-04-20
- - Though I'm Not a Falun Gong Practitioner, I Want to Shout "Falun Dafa Is Great!" 2004-04-20
- - Houston Chronicle Reviews Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Ian Johnson's New Book, Wild Grass (Photo) 2004-04-20
- - Mr. Wang Zengcheng from Tianjin City is Beaten to Death in a Labor Camp for Refusing to Betray His Conscience 2004-04-20
- - Clearwisdom Digest (Issue 7, March 2004) 2004-04-23
- - Bo Xilai Served with Lawsuit in Washington D. C. for Participating in the Persecution of Falun Gong 2004-04-23
- - April 21: Washington DC Rally Calls for Immediate Deportation of Human Rights Scoundrel Bo Xilai (Photos) 2004-04-23
- - Summary of Other Articles and News -- April 14, 2004 2004-04-23
- - Five Falun Gong Practitioners in Chongqing City Receive Heavy Sentences for Exposing the Wei Xingyan Incident 2004-04-23
- - FDI: Chinese Official Served With Lawsuit While Visiting United States 2004-04-23
- - AFP: China steps up Internet control with video surveillance in public places 2004-04-23
- - Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Shouqi from Dehui City in Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Torture 2004-04-23
- - 193 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void 2004-04-23
- - Taiwanese Citizen is Detained for 96 Hours in China's Jiangxi Province - Authorities Try to Recruit Her as a Spy 2004-04-28
- - Practitioners From Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, Provide Evidence of Widespread Atrocities and Demand Justice 2004-04-28
- - Clarifying the Truth on the Internet in a Way Acceptable to the Public 2004-04-28
- - Toronto, Canada: A Series of Activities Entitled "Restore the Reputation of the April 25 Appeal, Bring Jiang to Justice" (Part I) (Photos) 2004-04-29