- - Letter from US Senator Paul Sarbanes for the Washington DC Public Rally to End the Persecution of Falun Gong 2004-08-06
- - Baoding City is Shrouded in Dark Clouds 2004-08-07
- - Latest News from China - July 18, 2004 2004-08-07
- - Enlightenment from Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts 2004-08-07
- - Greece: Lawsuit Brought Against Jiang Zemin for Genocide in Greece One Week Before the Olympics (Photos) 2004-08-07
- - True Belief in Falun Dafa Cured Me of Severe Liver and Kidney Disease 2004-08-07
- - Boston Herald Reports on Falun Gong Practitioners Exposing the Persecution (Photo) 2004-08-07
- - California: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Big Bear Lake Community Parade (Photos) 2004-08-07
- - Drawing of Torture Technique: Chongqing City Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp Forcibly Feeds and Injects Dafa Practitioners with Drugs 2004-08-07
- - Korea: Dafa Practitioners Kick Off National Car Tour to Clarify the Truth (Photos) 2004-08-07
- - Sydney, Australia: Practitioners Hold Press Conference Regarding the Lawsuit against Chinese State Councilor Chen Zhili (Photos) 2004-08-10
- - Taiwan: Faculty Study Session Held at Chihui National Elementary School, Chonghe City (Photos) 2004-08-10
- - Taiwan: First Falun Dafa Study Camp Held for College and High-School Students (Photos) 2004-08-10
- - Korea: Clarify the Truth at Tourist Attractions - Anti-Torture Exhibition Moves People's Hearts (Photos) 2004-08-10
- - Taiwan: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at International Children's Art Festival in Ilan (Photos) 2004-08-10
- - Washington, DC: Raising Awareness of Persecution at Convention Center 2004-08-10
- - San Mateo Daily Journal Photo Report: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Front of County Government Offices 2004-08-10
- - Israel: Practitioners Appeal at the Chinese Embassy for An End to the Persecution (Photos) 2004-08-10
- - Photo Report from Russia: Practitioners' Daily Protest in front of the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg 2004-08-10
- - Latest News from China -- July 26, 2004 2004-08-11
- - Stories of Karmic Retribution 2004-08-11
- - Eliminating the Concept of Rank 2004-08-11
- - Yin Guangde from Shandong Province Passes Away, Unable to Recover from Severe Persecution in a Labor Camp 2004-08-11
- - Latest News from China -- July 27, 2004 2004-08-11
- - Police Station Director Who Had Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners is Diagnosed with Liver Cancer 2004-08-11