- - A Letter to a Practitioner Who Went Astray -- Making Diligent Progress Together and Becoming Calmer, More Clearheaded, and Mature 2004-06-29
- - Terrorism Cannot Silence the Voices of Justice 2004-06-30
- - Clearwisdom Commentary: Gunmen in South Africa and Police With Permission to Open Fire in China 2004-06-30
- - Repeated Kidnapping and Persecution of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Shuya in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia 2004-06-29
- - World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Publishes a Solemn Statement Regarding the Terrorist Act of Shooting Falun Gong Practitioners in South Africa 2004-06-30
- - An Eyewitness Account of Falun Dafa Practitioners' Appeal in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province on July 21-22, 1999 2004-06-30
- - Clearwisdom Commentary: Shooting of Falun Gong Practitioner in South Africa Exposes the Terrorism of Visiting Chinese Officials 2004-06-30
- - The Drive-by Shooting in South Africa Clearly Indicates the Fear Jiang and His Followers Have Over the Lawsuits Being Filed Against Them Overseas 2004-06-30
- - 75 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void 2004-06-30
- - Practitioner Brutally Tortured at Chishan Jail For Refusing to Wear Prison Uniform 2004-07-02
- - The Persecution of Practitioner Dong Chuanyan from Qingzhou City, Shandong Province 2004-07-02
- - Latest News from China -- June 22, 2004 2004-07-02
- - Sydney, Australia: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference Regarding the Shooting Incident in South Africa (Photos) 2004-07-02
- - Regarding the Attitude of "Just Going through the Motions" in Clarifying the Truth 2004-07-02
- - A Judge and Two Party Secretaries Meet Karmic Retribution for Persecuting Falun Dafa 2004-07-02
- - Latvia: Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Riga on World Anti-Torture Day (Photos) 2004-07-02
- - Toronto: Shocked by Seeing the Torture Display, People Sign Petition to Support Victims (Photos) 2004-07-02
- - Falun Gong Parade Through the City of Vienna: Dafa is Spreading Widely (Photos) 2004-07-02
- - My 60-foot Fall and the Grace of Dafa 2004-07-06
- - Southern California: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Largest Independence Day Parade in the Western US (Photos) 2004-07-06
- - Chinese Consulate in Houston Refuses to Extend Falun Gong Practitioner's Passport (Photo) 2004-07-06
- - Family Members of Victims in the South Africa Shooting Incident Meet with South African Embassy Officials in Australia (Photo) 2004-07-06
- - Dafa Practitioners in China Sternly Warn the Jiang Faction not to Disgrace the Chinese Nation Any More 2004-07-06
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - June 17, 2004 2004-07-06
- - Dallas, Texas: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Plano Fourth of July Parade (Photos) 2004-07-06