- - Practitioners' April 1999 Appeal at the Tianjin Teaching Institute -- An Eyewitness Account 2004-06-09
- - New York State Senator Velmanette Montgomery Honors Falun Dafa and the Founder Mr. Li Hongzhi [May 5, 2004] 2004-06-10
- - New York State Assembly Member Roger Green: Falun Dafa Has Gained the Recognition and Gratitude of People Around the World [May 2004] 2004-06-10
- - US Congressman Edolphus Towns: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Are Universal Human Values [May 7, 2004] 2004-06-10
- - 135 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void 2004-06-10
- - Latest News from China - June 4, 2004 2004-06-12
- - VOA: Hu Jintao Visits Warsaw, Bo Xilai Charged with Crimes 2004-06-13
- - No Matter How Difficult Our Situation, We Should Put Dafa First 2004-06-12
- - Mother of Child Less than One Month Old Is Illegally Imprisoned 2004-06-12
- - A Suggestion to Chinese Media: Report the Scandals Occurring in China, Not Just Those in Other Countries 2004-06-12
- - US Congressman Timothy Johnson: I Recognize That in Defending the Right of Falun Gong practitioners We Are Defending the Rights of Us All [May 2004] 2004-06-13
- - Torture Method 13: The Tiger Bench (Illustration) 2004-06-12
- - Notice Regarding the Officially Finalized Text of "Teaching the Fa for the First Time in the United States" 2004-06-12
- - New York State Senators Write Letters in Support of the 5th World Falun Dafa Day in Brooklyn [May 2004] 2004-06-13
- - The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province 2004-06-15
- - Taiwan: Report on the 2004 Taipei Seniors Sports and Health Conference (Photos) 2004-06-15
- - Cases of Karmic Retribution for People Who Persecuted Falun Dafa in Sanhe City, Hebei Province 2004-06-14
- - Clarifying the Truth to Lawyers in China 2004-06-15
- - Boston, USA: Practitioners Win Best Art Design Award in Dorchester Day Parade 2004-06-15
- - Proclamation Honoring South San Diego County Falun Dafa Week, County of San Diego, California [May 29, 2004] 2004-06-14
- - Proclamation of Falun Dafa Month, City of Fort Wayne, Indiana [June 1, 2004] 2004-06-14
- - Photo Report: Falun Gong Practitioners Stage Torture Exhibition During G8 2004-06-14
- - Certificate in Honor of South San Diego Falun Dafa Week, City of National City, California [May 29, 2004] 2004-06-14
- - A Female Farmer from Shandong Province Recounts Her Persecution Experiences 2004-06-17
- - Latest News from China -- June 7, 2004 2004-06-17