- - Amnesty International Ireland Dublin Central Group Drafts Letters to Rescue Zhao Ming 2000-11-04
- - Lord Avebury, Member of House of Lord of UK Writes to Zhao Ming in Labor Camp 2000-11-04
- - Practitioners in Florida Seize Every Opportunity to Spread Dafa 2000-11-04
- - Photo: A Destroyed "Yellow T-Shirt" 2000-11-04
- - Photo Report: Snapshots in Tiananmen Square on October 29 - 30, 2000 2000-11-04
- - The Text of the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin 2000-11-05
- - News from China - 10/10/2000 2000-11-04
- - Some Comments on the Persecution of Falun Gong in China 2000-11-05
- - The Consequences of Persecuting Falun Gong 2000-11-05
- - New Blood Debt from Jiang Zemin: Another 3 Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death 2000-11-05
- - Jiang Zemin Interferes with the Internal Fairs of Other Countries 2000-11-05
- - News from China - 10/24/2000 2000-11-04
- - Dow Jones via Yahoo: China Sends 10 To Prison For Illegally Publishing Books 2000-11-04
- - Korean Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Seoul 2000-11-05
- - Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference 2000-11-05
- - News from China - 11/01/2000 2000-11-05
- - News from China - 10/14/2000 2000-11-05
- - Independent (England): Taiwan embraces the spiritual movement that terrifies Peking 2000-11-05
- - Huntsville Times: Readers Rite Religion once called a strength now outlawed by government 2000-11-05
- - Poems and Drawings of Dafa Practitioners in Jail 2000-11-05
- - Falun Gong Presentation in the Tropicarnival Parade at the Gold Coast 2000-11-05
- - Promoting the Fa During Al Gore's Presidential Campaign Speech 2000-11-05
- - Photo Report: Practitioners Safeguard Falun Dafa in Tiananmen Square during the National Day Holidays 2000-11-05
- - Come Out! Let's Meet on Tiananmen Square! 2000-11-05
- - A Letter to All Committee Members of the Chinese Communist Party Central Political Bureau 2000-11-05