- - Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Anqiu City, Shandong Province 2000-10-29
- - Religion Scholars Discuss Falun Gong at Annual Meeting 2000-10-29
- - Teacher Says Hello to Practitioners in His Hometown, Changchun City 2000-10-30
- - Hired Gangsters Assaulted Practitioners in San Francisco 2000-10-30
- - Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Society for Recognition and Support on Presidential Debate Day 2000-10-29
- - Be Aware of Infiltrators Sent from China to Interfere in Overseas Activities 2000-10-29
- - Practitioners to Work with Amnesty International to Stage an Anti-Torture Campaign 2000-10-29
- - City Mayor of Calgary, Canada Announced Oct. 29 as Falun Dafa Day 2000-10-30
- - Be Perceptive of the Minutest Detail and do Not Be Deceived by Lies 2000-10-31
- - The Evil Persecution against Dafa Practitioners Continues At the Xishanping Labor Camp in Chongqing 2000-10-30
- - The Savageries in Tuanhe Labor Camp, Beijing 2000-10-30
- - Chinese Air Force Institute of Command Persecutes Dafa Practitioners 2000-10-30
- - Vancouver Practitioners Spread Dafa and Reveal the Facts about Falun Gong to Amnesty International Members 2000-10-31
- - Spread Dafa in UK Universities 2000-10-31
- - Photo Evidences Showing Practitioner Liu Yufeng Beaten to Death 2000-10-31
- - Handing Out Dafa Flyers in Salt Lake City, Utah 2000-10-30
- - Practitioner Zong Hengjie Persecuted to Death 2000-10-31
- - Safeguarding Dafa with Our Lives and Enlightening in An Impasse 2000-10-31
- - Media Reports 2000-10-31
- - News from Front Lines 2000-10-31
- - Irish Times: China cannot cope with [...] dissenters 2000-10-31
- - FFWD (Fast Forward Weekly) Calgary's news and entertainment Weekly Oct 26-Nov 1, 2000 2000-10-31
- - AP: Three Falun Gong members die in custody 2000-10-31
- - AFP(via SCMP): Police wade into [group] followers as protests continue 2000-10-31
- - AFP: Beijing Residents Lose Kite-Flying Rights after Falun Gong Protests 2000-10-31