- - A Report from Toronto: Falun Gong Practitioners both in China and Abroad are in the Dafa-Rectifying Onrush 2000-10-04
- - Northern California: Fa-protecting Parade Condemns Jiang Zemin 2000-10-04
- - Singapore Strait Times: US Tells China to Ease Off on Falun Gong 2000-10-05
- - The Other Side - Endless Variations Reflected from Your Heart 2000-10-04
- - China Marks National Day with spiritual crackdown [excerpts] 2000-10-05
- - Police Openly Beat Demonstrators In Tiananmen Square 2000-10-04
- - Report: A Hong Fa Activity at the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne, Australia 2000-10-05
- - An Open Letter Presented to the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom 2000-10-05
- - "I Miss My Father!" 2000-10-05
- - Let's Step Towards Consummation Together at an Unprecedented Speed 2000-10-05
- - Report: German Practitioners Spread Falun Dafa on October 1st 2000-10-05
- - Duowei News: Discussion About Whether Falun Gong is Organized 2000-10-05
- - World Daily: 40 Falun Gong Practitioners in Southern US Appeal 2000-10-05
- - Letter to Practitioners From New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2000-10-05
- - Recognition for Master Li and Falun Dafa, City of College Station, Texas 2000-10-05
- - Report: "Falun Dafa is Good" - Shaking Tiananmen Square on October 1st 2000-10-05
- - The Disasterous Effects of the Falun Gong Crackdown 2000-10-06
- - Appeal from a Prisoner in Sichuan, China 2000-10-06
- - Latest News from China - 10/03/2000 2000-10-06
- - AFP:Falun Gong Members Held After Trying to Protest In Tiananmen Square 2000-10-06
- - News from Beijing: Two Practiioners Badly Beaten 2000-10-06
- - Russian Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal 2000-10-06
- - Poem: Endless Remembrance 2000-10-06
- - Photo: Letter to Jiang Zemin from a 10-Year-Old Practitioner in UK 2000-10-06
- - Latest News from China - 10/04/2000 2000-10-07