- - Korea: Protesting the CCP's Attempt to Block Divine Performing Arts' Korea Tour (Photo) 2008-02-02
- - "Lies Don't Travel Far:" The CCP Continues Its Attempts to Interfere with the Divine Performing Arts in Germany 2008-02-20
- - San Diego Union Tribune: Chinese Consulate is opposed to program 2008-01-14
- - Canadian Officials Ignore Interference from Chinese Consulates and Support NTDTV's New Year Spectacular (Photos) 2008-01-18
- - Epoch Times: Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Resists Chinese Regime's Pressure 2007-12-27
- - The CCP's Interference with the Holiday Wonders Show in Florida Fails, Mayor Issues Proclamation (Photo) 2007-12-23
- - California Columnist Exposes Chinese Consulate Harassment of Local Government Officials 2008-01-11
- - The CCP's Attempt to Keep the Divine Performing Arts from Performing in South Korea Widely Condemned (Photo) 2008-01-25
- - Open Letter from DC Falun Dafa Association Regarding Chinese Embassy Officials' Interference with the Chinese New Year Spectacular 2008-01-30
- - New York Assemblyman Makes Public an Offensive Letter from the Chinese Consulate General (Photos) 2007-12-21
- - Holland: Chinese Government Interference in the Spectacular Fails (Photos) 2008-02-24
- - Malay Mail (Malaysia) Reports on the Chinese Embassy's Interference with the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular (Photo) 2008-03-25
- - New Zealand: Renowned Canadian Lawyer Writes to the Sunday Star-Times Regarding a Misleading Article about Falun Gong (Photo) 2008-03-30
- - AP Reports that Malaysia Bows to the CCP's Pressure and Cancels Divine Performing Arts Show 2008-03-30
- - Aftershocks: Chinese Mobs Incited to Attack Falun Gong in New York, Elsewhere 2008-05-22
- - Chinese Communist Party Interference Fails to Dim the Glory of the Divine Performing Arts in Korea (Part I) (Photos) 2008-03-04
- - Tulip Festival Says Sorry to Falun Gong Band (Photos) 2008-05-18
- - Quebec Court of Appeal Issues Verdict that La Presse Chinoise is Guilty of Libel in Defamation of Falun Gong 2008-05-19
- - Germany: Chinese Consulate Officials in Munich Threaten 'Chinese Spectacular' Concert Promoter (Photos) 2008-03-17
- - Practitioners Ask Korean Ministry of Justice Not to Aid and Abet the CCP (Photo) 2009-07-05
- - Chinese Agents' Attack on Falun Gong Practitioners Exposed by Media in Slovakia (Photos) 2009-06-21
- - Chinese Embassy Reacts with Fear as Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in Tonga (Photo) 2009-05-27
- - Falun Gong Practitioner in Germany Faces Lies and Subterfuge in Effort to Get Passport Renewed at Chinese Embassy (Photos) 2009-05-31
- - Taiwan Falun Gong Practitioner Forcibly Taken Away While Visiting Relatives in China 2009-08-14
- - The Chinese Communist Party Hires Thugs, Spreading Violence in South Korea 2009-09-27