- - Summary of Other Articles and News - June 7, 2004 2004-06-23
- - Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Qiaohong Died as a Result of Persecution in Chenzhou Jiahe County, Hunan Province 2004-06-23
- - The Torture of Female Practitioners at the Tiananmen Police Station (Illustration) 2004-06-23
- - Practitioner Ms. Feng Xiaomin from Shijiazhuang City, Dies After Being Forced to Leave Home to Avoid Persecution; Her Brother-in-Law is Tortured to Death 2004-06-27
- - Former Female Jiaozhou City Rubber Factory Director Was Abducted, Taken to a Mental Hospital and Tortured for Practicing Falun Gong 2004-06-29
- - Dafa Practitioner Mr. Bi Guohua of Rongcheng City, Shandong Province Is Beaten to Death by Police 2004-06-29
- - Record of the Crimes Committed by Zeng Qinghong, Who is Suspected of Being Behind South African Shooting Incident 2004-07-02
- - Lawless Officials Persecuted Dafa Practitioners in Haikou Free Trade Zone, Hainan Province 2004-07-02
- - The Persecution Suffered by Practitioner Han Chenchu Before His Death - Yongqing County, Hebei Province 2004-07-02
- - Los Angeles: Practitioners Rally at the Chinese Consulate to Condemn Jiang's Group's Employing Hired Gunmen to Attack Practitioners (Photo) 2004-07-02
- - Calgary, Canada: Practitioners Condemn Jiang's Group's Act of Terrorism (Photos) 2004-07-02
- - Dafa Practitioners Brutally Persecuted at the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Center (Photos) 2004-07-04
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - June 6, 2004 2004-07-04
- - United Kingdom: Car Tour Joins Appeal Outside the Edinburgh Chinese Consulate to Expose Jiang's Regime's Act of Terrorism in South Africa (Photos) 2004-07-05
- - Belgium: Practitioners Condemn the Terrorist Act of Hiring Gunmen to Shoot Falun Gong Practitioners Overseas (Photos) 2004-07-05
- - Lies Cannot Cover Up the Crimes That Will be Exposed: The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing (Part 2) (Photos) 2004-07-07
- - Latest News from China - June 23, 2004 2004-07-07
- - Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaqiu is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse at the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp 2004-07-07
- - The Detention Center Personnel in Dehui City, Jilin Province Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners 2004-07-08
- - Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Number 31) - Locked to a Ground Ring (Photo) 2004-07-07
- - Dafa Practitioners in Tangshan City's Kaiping Labor Camp on Hunger Strike and in Critical Condition 2004-07-13
- - Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners in Different European Countries Appeal for a Thorough Investigation of the Shooting Incident in South Africa 2004-07-15
- - Johannesburg, South Africa: Falun Gong Practitioners Beaten in Chinatown, Apparently by Hired Assailants 2004-07-15
- - Taiwan: Report on the Signature Campaign to Expose and Condemn the Jiang Regime's Terrorist Act of Hiring Thugs to Shoot Practitioners (Photos) 2004-07-15
- - Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhu Yulian of Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, Dies as a Result of Persecution 2004-07-15