- - Increase in Reported Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Puts Human Rights in China in the Spotlight Again 2004-04-16
- - Mr. Wang Zengcheng from Tianjin City is Beaten to Death in a Labor Camp for Refusing to Betray His Conscience 2004-04-20
- - Summary of Other Articles and News -- April 14, 2004 2004-04-23
- - Five Falun Gong Practitioners in Chongqing City Receive Heavy Sentences for Exposing the Wei Xingyan Incident 2004-04-23
- - Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Shouqi from Dehui City in Jilin Province Dies as a Result of Torture 2004-04-23
- - Taiwanese Citizen is Detained for 96 Hours in China's Jiangxi Province - Authorities Try to Recruit Her as a Spy 2004-04-28
- - Practitioners From Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, Provide Evidence of Widespread Atrocities and Demand Justice 2004-04-28
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - April 23, 2004 2004-05-02
- - Latest News from China - April 7, 2004 2004-05-04
- - The Story Behind Making China's "Sanitary" Chopsticks -- Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps (Part Four) 2004-05-04
- - He Yingqing, a Teacher at the Hunan Vocational Institute of Biological, Mechanical & Electrical Technologies, Has Been Illegally Detained 2004-05-04
- - The Cruel Behavior of Policewoman Deng Liyan and Her Colleagues at the Eastern Detention Center, Hongshan District, Chifeng City 2004-05-04
- - Corrupt Captain, Zhu Pengde, from Zhucheng City, Shandong Province, Has Committed Crimes of Extortion and Torturing Dafa Practitioners to Death 2004-05-04
- - Policemen in Baochang City, Inner Mongolia Violently Abduct a Small and Weak Female Practitioner 2004-05-04
- - Murder of Dafa Practitioner Gu Xiuxian and Others as a Result of Torture at the Hands of Shuangcheng City Police 2004-05-09
- - Couple from Qinhuangdao City Suffer Severe Persecution -- The Experience Leaves Their Young Child Traumatized 2004-05-12
- - Summary of Other Articles and News - April 29, 2004 2004-05-12
- - Protect the Luster and Beauty of Hong Kong, the "Pearl of the Orient" 2004-05-12
- - Professors, Teachers, and Business People Who Practice Falun Dafa Are Persecuted in Yunnan Province 2004-05-15
- - Illegal Agencies Established to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shengli Oilfield, Shandong Province (Photos) 2004-05-15
- - Shandong Province: The Linqu County Hongye Group Cooperates with the Changle Labor Camp to Exploit the Slave Labor of Falun Gong Practitioners 2004-05-15
- - Latest News from China - April 28, 2004 2004-05-21
- - Sixty-Three-Year-Old Senior Engineer Ms. Chen Guilan Beaten to Death in the Second Labor Camp, Gansu Province (Photo) 2004-05-21
- - Upon Learning the Truth of Falun Dafa, a Woman is Cured of a Terminal Illness 2004-05-21
- - Whereabouts of 1.5-Year-Old Girl and Her Mother Are Unknown After Being Arrested by the Beijing Police 2004-05-21